2015 Re-Readalong: Eye of the World and The Great Hunt

Ryu Shadowborn

Resident Citizen
Apr 15, 2014
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

Re: Tar Valon Dream - In Retrospect

I think the dream is strange because Ishamael is screwing with his dreams, consider what Ishamael is doing through book 1 with trying to get the boys to absolutely distrust the Tower, seeing the tower as a safe place and finding a Fade inside would probably color Rand's view on that "Place of sanctuary"

Ealandrelle Melyma

Aes Sedai
Dec 31, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

Whether it was outside influence or not, I definitely think it either foreshadows or subconsciously influences how Rand's dealings with the White Tower go until Egwene is in control.

Rhed al'Tere

Aes Sedai
May 4, 2002
Durham, NC
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

I didn't even think about his dream perceptions being altered by Ishamael. Also note: I hadn't read the end of that dream when I made my last post. :laugh:

I read the Manetheren story Moiraine told. I may have cried a little.

Jeffan Caliarthan

Aes Sedai
Feb 14, 2005
Seattle, WA
  1. They - Them
  2. He - Him
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

I'm a slow reader, and only just got through the prologue and first five chapters. :look: But I'll be doing my best to catch up with y'all and not get too far behind. While I'm reading I've been taking notes on things that just pop into my head, so I'll post those as I read.

- I love the prologue. That first sentence gets me every time.
- I've never really read the quotes before, since I didn't really care about them, but this time I'm making sure to read them.
- You can tell that this is early on in the series for Jordan. The prose is there, but it's rough. And you can tell that he's not quite sure what all he's gotten himself into yet.

Chapter 1
- Rand is so young and childlike. Insecure, and a little weak. It's so different from who he becomes later in the series.
- Was it intentional that Tam kept Rand out of town? On one hand, it doesn't make much sense, because no one goes into Emond's Field, but it seems like something Tam would do to protect Rand.
- Rand/Egwene. <333
- So as I was reading the scene where Rand and Tam walk into town and start getting accosted by everyone, all I can think of is the opening to Beauty and the Beast. "... this poor provincial town, 'GOOD MORNING RAND.'. :look:
- Even early on it was hinted that Emond's Fielders would endure. I didn't realize how far back that was mentioned in the series.
- How ingrained is the religion / Light? Are there nonbelievers? Or is it simply a fact that the Light exists?
- Why do the Emond's Fielders never talk about their families once they leave? Are they not close? Obv. exception is Rand, who thinks about Tam all the time.
- If there's ever a screen adaption of The Eye of the World, Cenn Buie should be played by the guy at the door to Bree in The Fellowship of the Ring. The one who says, "Hobbits?! Four hobbits!?" When I read Cenn's lines, that's the voice I read them in.
- How did no one ever connect Wisdoms to the One Power? What about women who can do the stuff Wisdoms do but aren't the Wisdom of their town, or if they're in a town where there is no Wisdom? I feel like this is mentioned later on in the series, but I can't quite remember.
- The whole chant about how TDO and the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul and whatnot is very cultish.
- It's interesting that they mention the possibility of the Black Rider being a Shadowman/Myrddraal after they mention The Dark One and The Dragon. Do they think that a Shadowman is worse than those two, or that it's just too implausible to even mention?

Chapter 2
- I'm trying to reread this while keeping in mind that it is the story of Rand and Egwene.
- I wish we could know what led Moiraine & Lan to Emond's Field. Hopefully the encyclopedia will tell us something.
- :laugh: @ Moiraine calling Nynaeve "child".

"I don't care who Nynaeve thumbs' - Mat chortled - 'so long as it isn't me."
- So, I never noticed the sexual innuendo of this before, even though it's so blatantly obvious. "'I don't care who Nynaeve thumbs' - Mat chortled - 'so long as it isn't me.""
- What made Rand sense the Raven? Is it just a feeling, or something else? Mat senses it too. I'm probably just reading too much into it, and they just feel eyes on them.

"You know my name," [Moiraine] said, sounding delighted.
- Since when does Moiraine sound delighted? :brown-blink:
- Why doesn't Moiraine want to be called "Lady"? is she distancing herself from Cairhein, or just trying to remain as low-key as possible? She should know that her presence is going to be talked about forever, regardless of what she decides to call herself.
- Why doesn't Moiraine go by Alys in Emond's Field? It seems out of place that she would use her real name.

"As the Wheel of Time turns," Moiraine said, half to herself and with a distant look in her eyes, "places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man."
- Amazing quote.
- Why do the boys not spend the coins? Was there some kind of weave on them that made them less inclined to do so? Note that Ewin didn't have the initial sense that he shouldn't spend it, but both Rand and Mat did. It would make sense that Moiraine wouldn't bother putting a weave on Ewin's coin, as he's obviously out of the age range that she's looking for.

Chapter 3
- It's weird to think of Padan Fain not as a villain.

Fain, always smiling and laughing as if he knew a joke that no one else knew.
- Fain just recently started noticing Rand & co. Did TDO know about Rand & everyone being in The Two Rivers, similar to how Moiraine and Lan did? I can't remember if this is covered later or not.
- It's weird how much the Emond's Fielders seem to know about The Dragon, but how little they know about everything else.

"I never saw or heard or smelled anything that couldn't be talked about," Tam said."
- Goddamnit, Mat, you're so stupid, wanting to go see the False Dragon. This is why I didn't like Mat in the first few books. He never thinks about anything, and he's just so stupid.
- Nynaeve is such a badass. I had hero-worship for her since her first appearance.
- Did Nynaeve sense that Egwene could channel, as Aes Sedai can sense channelers?

Chapter 4
- It seems a bit silly, but Rand noticing people's eye color is sweet. It must have been weird for him growing up. The correlations to skin color are pretty obvious here. Speaking of, has Rand ever met a black person? Do black people exist outside of the Sea Folk?

"There's more Raven in [Padan Fain] than man."
- We're obviously not being subtle with the foreshadowing here.

"... tall as an Aielman"
- I take the back, now we're not being subtle in the slightest.
- Thom obviously knew that Moiraine was an Aes Sedai, and Ewin saying "Lady Moiraine" is the only thing that made him not say it.

"Battles interest me," Mat said.
- Chapter 4 is now known as "The Chapter That Is Not Subtle About Foreshadowing."
- I just realized that the reason Tam doesn't recognize Moiraine as an Aes Sedai is because he never actually sees her prior to her unveiling.
- Tam obviously knew that something was up, demanding that he and Rand go home early.

There was nothing the black-cloaked horseman could do that the people of Emond's Field could not handle together."
- Except what he did. :look: Although in the end, I guess they did handle that together.

Chapter 5
- Emond's Field is such an homage to Hobbiton. It's ridiculous.
- Rand noticed that the sword is special, and that it's just like Lan's, except without the Heron. Very observant.
- Why did the Trollocs knock? I guess they didn't, but like... it's such an obvious plot device that it brings the story down a bit.
- Tam says that the wound he received is "just a scratch". Shouldn't he know about Thrakan'dar forged weapons? Or did he know, and he didn't want to worry Rand.
- When Rand took Tam's sword, I was all, "EMBRACE YOUR DESTINY, YOUNG DRAGON."
- I kind of envision Tam as the actor who played Brom in the Eragon movie.
- God, Rand is such a low-level character right now.
- Why would the trollocs trash the place? Were they looking for something, or just super bored? It seems out of place for them to destroy furniture when they're being directed by the Myrddraal to find people.
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Imzadi Hopewind

Aes Sedai
May 21, 2011
Oslo, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

- How did no one ever connect Wisdoms to the One Power? What about women who can do the stuff Wisdoms do but aren't the Wisdom of their town, or if they're in a town where there is no Wisdom? I feel like this is mentioned later on in the series, but I can't quite remember.

I don't remember either, but I mean that it were always some women who were working as wisdom, either in open or hidden... Like where the woman put forekrot in drinks to Ewgene and Nynaeve?

Toral Delvar

Oct 28, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI, US
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

What did the trollocs want seems a good question
What if Narg had killed Rand? Or another one? What is Ishamael's plan in this book? Was he partially bound so could only appear in dreams, or could he have travelled in and grabedall three?

Ealandrelle Melyma

Aes Sedai
Dec 31, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

At this point Ishamael is still partially bound, I think... he doesn't really do much outside of Tel'Aran'Rhiod that I can remember.

Also from a re-listen (while I wait for my Audible credit for March :laugh:), at one point in chapter 2 or 3, Mat says something like "I want to hear about battles, I like battles!" and I'm like "Woohoo, foreshadowing!". Also when Rand is talking about the Dragon, and is all "May as well expect the Dark One to save us as the Dragon Reborn" (or words to that effect) and it made me giggle.

Imzadi Hopewind

Aes Sedai
May 21, 2011
Oslo, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

I think that Ishamael wasn't able to do much, like travel around, but he wasn't that bound that much as the other Forsaken, so he could touch people's dream as he did with the boys. And that's why he didn't look very good (if I remember right) when they met him rl... Because he was closest to the seal, so he was touched by the ages more than the other Forsaken ones.

I don't think that Ishamael would be very happy if Narg killed Rand. He was suppose to give the reborn Dragon to the Dark One, so he could turn Rand to their side. So no, I don't think any killing were in the plans?

Ealandrelle Melyma

Aes Sedai
Dec 31, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

And that's why he didn't look very good (if I remember right) when they met him rl... Because he was closest to the seal, so he was touched by the ages more than the other Forsaken ones.

That was Aginor - he and Balthamel (sp?) were bound nearest the "outside" so to speak, so appeared old/withered/falling to bits. I forget how Ishy appears, other than after he is burned by Rand using the EotW, he is wears a mask til he starts to heal.

I don't think that Ishamael would be very happy if Narg killed Rand. He was suppose to give the reborn Dragon to the Dark One, so he could turn Rand to their side. So no, I don't think any killing were in the plans?

I don't know... Moiraine makes some remark at some point that the Dark One wanted to "kill or capture" the 3 boys. Given that The Dark One is the "Lord of the Grave" and all that, and can resurrect people (think Ishy, Aran'gar/Osan'gar, Lanfear and so on), if Rand or any of them were killed then he would deal with that. I think at some point a comment is made that it's *easier* if he chooses to join TDO of his own will, but it's a repeated theme that Ishy goes on about that Rand will serve the Great Lord whether he's alive or dead.

Myralin al'Ser

Aes Sedai
Sep 6, 2009
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

Slightly off-topic. I love the reactions of the group when they reach Baerlon. The Emond's Fielders are in awe of the city, and the others are amused that they think it's a big city. :p

I also think it's interesting that Egwene doesn't guess who the other channeler in Emond's Field is, even after Moiraine explains how women who can channel often become Wisdoms.

Ealandrelle Melyma

Aes Sedai
Dec 31, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

I agree Myralin. It's such a steep learning curve for them, poor things.

Rhed al'Tere

Aes Sedai
May 4, 2002
Durham, NC
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

I just made a connection concerning Bela. We see her racing along here at the beginning, and then during the Last Battle, she does the same.

*raises a toast to Bela* (I love that horse.)

Imzadi Hopewind

Aes Sedai
May 21, 2011
Oslo, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

Oooh, so it mean I can read 2 chapters today? :brown-blink: :joy

Yeah, I read the section with Bela and Rand, and was thinking that he showed every sign that he used the tainted part of power.
Dec 6, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

I'm a slow reader
Nice to know there are more slow readers around ... yes, and I'll try to catch up too. Meanwhile, you offered a lot of interesting observations, thank you.

- I love the prologue. That first sentence gets me every time.
Agree. But the prologue also has a kind of filter effect - I know people who broke off after it and told me "I won't read a book that starts so dark and violent".

- How ingrained is the religion / Light? Are there nonbelievers? Or is it simply a fact that the Light exists? ...
- The whole chant about how TDO and the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul and whatnot is very cultish.
Religion in the WoT world: A can of worms, open at your pleasure. Jordan seems to have tried to create something like a Religion Light - some things are presented and transmitted as matter of fact - there is a creator, there is a DO, there is rebirth (and salvation - what does that mean, if you are reborn anyway and can't remember?), there is the Wheel which weaves the pattern (the excuse for many of the "just so" events from the great family reunion at the Stone of Tear to the meeting of Perrin and Egwene at the WT in ToM), which has an unexplainable mechanism for self-preservation, and not to orget the Light, physical & metaphor - but there is also superstition, like not to name the DO (or bad things will happen to you and your loved ones, see Bili Congar), people say prayers for the dead etc. In some places there is talk of a "catechism", and there is censorship e.g. by Cenn Buie (vs. Thom) and by Nynaeve (vs. the merchant guard who said more or less correct things about the Dragon) - some ideas obviously are dangerous and ought to be surpressed.
Can such a "Religion Light" (or not so light?) exist in rl? Historical experience makes it questionable. It's much easier to accept the Whitecloaks and the Darkfriends.

- Why do the Emond's Fielders never talk about their families once they leave? Are they not close? Obv. exception is Rand, who thinks about Tam all the time.
Well, Egwene sends letters, Nynaeve thinks time and again about her duties as Wisdom which she neglects. But Rand sticks out as the perfect stepson of a perfect stepfather. For me, the less than perfect son of a less than perfect father, this was always quite a drag.

- How did no one ever connect Wisdoms to the One Power? What about women who can do the stuff Wisdoms do but aren't the Wisdom of their town, or if they're in a town where there is no Wisdom? I feel like this is mentioned later on in the series, but I can't quite remember.
Healing with the Power does not give much of outward signs, it just works. And those women (they are everywhere, just as midwives are needed everywhere, and go by different names - "mother" in Caemlyn, Tear and Remen and "reader" in Cairhairien come to mind - also practice herbalism and whatever folk medicine is usual in the area they live in. Some of them are "wilders" who will use the Power instinctively / in fits and starts (like Nynaeve did some of the time, without knowing what she is doing). Somewhere we will come across a freed damane who formerly was a village wisdom in Tarabon - one more example.

- I wish we could know what led Moiraine & lan to Emond's Field. Hopefully the encyclopedia will tell us something.
Don't think so. It's just the weaving of the wheel (once more).

- Fain just recently started noticing Rand & co. Did TDO know about Rand & everyone being in The Two Rivers, similar to how Moiraine and Lan did? I can't remember if this is covered later or not.
It is, late in TEotW or early in TGH, too lazy to look it up, we'll pass through it.

- It's weird how much the Emond's Fielders seem to know about The Dragon, but how little they know about everything else.
Strong oral tradition is quite plausible (but then, why don't they know about Manetheren?).

- Did Nynaeve sense that Egwene could channel, as Aes Sedai can sense channelers?
Moiraine later on says so ("Mrs. Barran probably sensed it in you, as you sensed in in Egwene", ch 21), and there is an appropriate analogue in TDR, when Egwene meets Aviendha for the first time and feels "a sudden odd affinity" for her. She does not recognize what it is and misattributes it to Avi's physical features - "She looks like Rand's cousin, that's why" - which is a bit nonsensical. (But then, as Sanderson teaches elsewhere, you can't ever have too many cousins...)

- It seems a bit silly, but Rand noticing people's eye color is sweet. It must have been weird for him growing up. The correlations to skin color are pretty obvious here. Speaking of, has Rand ever met a black person? Do black people exist outside of the Sea Folk?
Yes, there are lots of black people ... in Seanchan. Rand will have to wait some time till he meets them, including the Empress (mslf).

- Why did the Trollocs knock? I guess they didn't, but like... it's such an obvious plot device that it brings the story down a bit.
That's a bit harsh. Let's just say that a solid locked door does not give at the first try.
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Jeffan Caliarthan

Aes Sedai
Feb 14, 2005
Seattle, WA
  1. They - Them
  2. He - Him
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

What did the trollocs want seems a good question
What if Narg had killed Rand? Or another one? What is Ishamael's plan in this book? Was he partially bound so could only appear in dreams, or could he have travelled in and grabedall three?

:look: So, when I saw that you liked my question, I was all, "YES. I did good. Toral likes my question. Gold star for me!"


Jeffan said:
- I wish we could know what led Moiraine & lan to Emond's Field. Hopefully the encyclopedia will tell us something.
Don't think so. It's just the weaving of the wheel (once more).

Well, everything is the weaving of the Wheel. But I would like to know the specifics of it. I have to assume that Min is involved somehow, since they came from Baerlon. There has to be something that led them specifically to The Two Rivers. Even if it's just a sentence or two, I'd love to know what it is.

Yes, there are lots of black people ... in Seanchan. Rand will have to wait some time till he meets them, including the Empress (mslf).

Are all of the Seanchan dark-skinned? I always assumed that they were a bit of an amalgamation, since they were descendants of a handful of people in Hawkwing's army. Also, aren't the Sea Folk super dark-skinned?

Kassina Tendar

Aes Sedai
Feb 22, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

Random thoughts since I posted last in no particular order:
-I agree that Moiraine's Manetheren story was wonderful! :pleased-1: I similarly enjoyed her storytime when she described the fall of Aridhol.
-I love Thom! And the boys' expressions when he made up that story on-the-spot about why they were being chased by trollocs to explain to Bayle Domon were priceless. :laugh:
With much derring-do, mostly by Thom, they escaped, pursued by Trollocs, though they became separated in the night, until finally Thom and his two companions sought refuge on the last place left to them, Captain Domon's most welcome ship.
-As someone who's never reread this series (and doesn't reread books often anyway), it's really interesting all the little references I understand now. Like even just casual references about 'Laman's sin' or 'black-veiled Aiel' which meant nothing to me at first (and I probably just skimmed them over and didn't pay them much heed) suddenly make sense this time around! It's a very different experience reading EotW when you actually know about the world already.
-Rand seeing Dragonmount in a dream and referencing a memory of it is interesting. I hadn't caught all the references to his latent memories of being Lews Therin when I first read the series.
-Moiraine's reference to Egwene going far, "Perhaps even the Amyrlin Seat, one day, if you study hard and work hard." If only Moiraine knew that all Egwene had to do to become the Amyrlin Seat was to wait and be in the right place at the right time. :laugh:
-We start getting to see Lan and Nynaeve together with hints of what's coming. I loved her reaction when he complimented her on being able to follow his trail. :giggle
-Even when they're in danger Mat can't help thinking about Dav and the badger :facepalm
-I'd forgotten how early Mat started speaking in the Old Tongue :brown-blink:
-Eughhh, Shadar Logoth is still just as creepy the second time around. *shudders*

Aduiavas Ida

Aes Sedai
Head of the White Ajah
Jun 10, 2008
Drøbak, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

SOME people in Seanchan is dark-skinned, as happens after several hundred years with mixing with the natives there :cheeseeni: At least that's what I think. :look:
Dec 6, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 7 - Chapter 13

Let's jump ahead - ch 14
If I'm not mistaken, it's the first occurrence o a temptation by glory and power, which will happen time and again. "Glory" is BAD: you do what is needed (howsoever hard this may be, and how much honor this may bring), but you don't do it for glory or people's appreciation. This is throughgoing motif in the series, and one reasonable people could agree on.

Ch. 15 - Enter a Doomsayer

"The girl? She's part of it. ... You're in love with her. ... She loves you, too, but she's not for you, or you for her. Not the way you both want."

The first time it hit me like a hammer, but of course their ways need to lead into different directions. Still it's interesting to follow how this love fades (or is superseded), and yet there is something special between the two, down to the wonderful "woolhead / brat" exchange in AMoL. One of the great motifs in the series, and very well handled imho. Once upon a time there was a thread "Is Jordan a romantic?", well, YES!

"But if I told you everything I saw, you'd be as curly haired as your friend with the shoulders."

I love you, Min Farshaw!
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Imzadi Hopewind

Aes Sedai
May 21, 2011
Oslo, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

Kassina, that's why I love to reread WoT because always find something new everytime.

Finished chapter 14 today. And it's where Thom tells about where Rand can find stories etc about the Reborn Dragon. And also hear about Logain first time. And we meet Min for a very short time :D
Dec 6, 2012
Re: 2015 Re-Readalong: EoTW, Chapter 14 - Chapter 20

If only Moiraine knew that all Egwene had to do to become the Amyrlin Seat was to wait and be in the right place at the right time.
"The wheel weaves as it wills, that must be it." (Moiraine,when she sees Perrin's yellow eyes. Applicable to many other occasions.)