I don't know what happened but if you want you can email the name you chose to our Mayor at mayor@tarvalon.net. You can actually combine it with your citizen application so things can speed up and you can gain access to the forums where the major fun happens And you deffinitely need a pretty face. (sorry I am always getting excited when people are choosing their avatars, I have a thing for pretty pictures :P )
Hi, Lythe! How are you settling in here on TV.net?
I noticed that you're almost at 25 posts, which is the minimum requirement for citizenship! If you get your name sorted out and find a nice avatar, you can apply for citizenship and get even more forums to post in! If you want help/advice/anything just hit me up!
No, problem, I am here to help. You just need to email membership@tarvalon.net with the last name you want letting her know you didn't choose one when you registered and our lovely Director of Membership will take care of it
Hello and Welcome once again! On behalf of the Welcoming Committee I would like to ensure you we are here to help you explore our community You may like to check this thread and this one. They are very useful and if you have any questions or need help with anything we are here for you.
I'm Kassidy Sedai ( Mayor of Tar Valon ) I want to welcome you to our lovely community . Someone from the Welcome Committee should be along shortly. If you need anything at all please let me know . I am always here to chat .