Hi Amina! How are you? I really enjoy TV.net and hope to became a citizen soon. I've already send an e-mail for the name (waiting patientely for a reply) and I'm looking for for an avatar. Thanks for the concern
Yeah, I've sent in my application and am now waiting for it to get approved (hopefully). I'm really hoping it does! How long does it usually take after sending in the application?
Oh wow, that's so kind of you! I love it! I will most certainly be using it It's great!
I couldn't live without Vegemite, or bacon for that matter!!
but here is your bacon
:bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance :bacondance
:arch okay, just... let me... get all... of that down...
Yeah, I'm not going to remember all of that, I think I'll stick with calling you Amina, if thats all good?
Thank you for your positive thoughts, everything really went well :hug
And now... *drum roll*...
Det er så dejligt at møde nogen som interesserer sig for dansk! :joy Der er mange svenskere og nordmænd her, som du måske har set, men der var ingen som jeg kunne snakke lidt dansk med - indtil nu! :D
Alright, I'll stop :look It's just that Danish is my main language and I always get excited when I meet someone who's studying it, too ^^ Why did you chose to study it?
Also, I had a bit of free time and made you another sig, but the one you made is so beautiful! D: So, I'm just going to leave the link to it here: http://i.imgur.com/auGzhNt.png ... along with the link to a neat little sig rotator, in case you make more and don't want to stick to only one ;) http://sig.grumpybumpers.com/