Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, To the End!

Kassina Tendar

Aes Sedai
Feb 22, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 15-18

Oh, definitely. Tuon is super curious about Mat and had a prophecy about it, though that's part of the 'luck' I was referring to. The fact that she had that prophecy, as well as her choices of what to do about it. Plus Selucia going along with it. I realize that she's kinda guaranteed to go along with Tuon in everything... but it still seems like very good luck that Selucia didn't try to stop things, that Tuon received that prophecy and just decides to go along with it, that they both​ had prophecies about each other. :laugh:
May 20, 2016
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 15-18

I think Selucia was in a helpless situation. She wasn't sure that Mat and co would not kill Tuon if she raised the alarm. So, she chose to keep her alive and go along with the kidnappers. That was in the moment of the abduction. Afterwards I think Tuon kept Selucia in line ....
The only time Selucia objected publicly in Maderin, Tuon streamrolled her into obedience.

Wil Cambrae

Loremaster Wil
May 12, 2010
Chuckville, IL
  1. He - Him
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 15-18

I'll expand this later, but at the end of chapter 17 they already have plans for turning the harbor chains into cuendillar.

Kassina Tendar

Aes Sedai
Feb 22, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 15-18

Chapter 5:
-The Shaido kidnap people from villages to make them gai’shain. Super tarnishing everyone’s images of the Aiel, if they weren’t bad enough.
-Aes Sedai visiting Masema… a plot that resolves into nothing that I can remember. :cheeseeni:
-And Perrin continues to ignore Aram’s jealousy. :facepalm
-Does Masema meeting with the Seanchan amount to anything either?
-Balwer expresses how much he enjoys working with Perrin. I can certainly see how working for Perrin would be better than working for the Whitecloaks…
-Aram now distrusts everyone
-Perrin is dismissive of Aram and doesn’t really do much to help him after putting him in this situation (however unintentionally).

Chapter 6:
-Perrin’s old Two Rivers friends believe he’s sleeping with Berelain. :(
-Aram is very protective of Perrin.
-Berelain is very clever and protects Perrin in her own ways. She wants people to think she and Perrin are flirting, as cover.
-She gives him excellent on advice on needing to look like a noble, even when everything’s going terribly. She really helps him through all this.
-Berelain gives him tangible confirmation of Masema’s dealing with the Seanchan.

Chapter 7:
-Perrin meets with Masema and gets sent to So Habor.

Chapter 8:
-Annoura’s unhappy at not being allowed to negotiate with the Shaido. Perrin thinks she might have ulterior motives…

Chapter 9:
-Faile notes Maighdin’s small ability in saidar, but thinks that it won’t be of much use in their escape.
-Aravine swears fealty to Faile… though she ends up being a Darkfriend.
-We meet Rolan. :) I do rather like Rolan.

Kassina Tendar

Aes Sedai
Feb 22, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 15-18

I'm finally caught up on typing up my notes!! :joy :joy

Chapter 10:

-Aviendha chose her horse because it was named Siswai. :)
-You can feel someone you’re bonded with suddenly get closer when you open a Gateway to somewhere closer to them, even if you haven’t stepped through yet.

Chapter 11:
-Mellar is an idiot (and a Darkfriend). He keeps trying to get Elayne’s trust, but then does stupid things like leaving the gate open while he goes to try some heroism. :rolleyes
-Sareitha defends Doilan Mellar.
-Elayne admits that the Kin’s way of determining hierarchy is better, even though she does benefit from how Aes Sedai do it. I agree; it is weird that someone just raised to the Shawl can suddenly be believed more than people who’ve been Aes Sedai for a hundred years.

Chapter 12:
-Gateways make it impossible for Arymilla to actually siege Caemlyn.
-Is Cadsuane working with the Sisters at the Silver Swan?
-And then the prospect of sitting out the siege indefinitely becomes problematic when the Windfinders declare that they’re leaving. Elayne does very well here negotiating.

Chapter 13:
-So I somehow never noticed until this chapter that ‘painstaking’ is literally ‘taking pains’. :facepalm I’d always parsed it as ‘pain’ and ‘staking’ in my head. :facepalm
-Elayne gets support from a bunch of children high seats.

Chapter 14:
-The Aiel have known how to Caress the Child since even before the entered the Waste. Something they knew from their service to the Aes Sedai? Something they learned from the Aes Sedai they served?
-Elayne learns that she is going to have twins.
-Channeling shields you from ‘birthing sickness’. So that’s a perk! Even if your ability to Channel does go kinda crazy. I assume ‘birthing sickness’ is morning sickness??
-Merilille takes Talaan to the White Tower. I’m just happy for Talaan. :)
May 20, 2016
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 15-18

Thanks for the updates Kassina Sedai. Referring to Chapter 12 note on Gateways and Arymilla's siege, I don't know why Elayne didn't break it sooner. Guybon used a gateway to bring about 10000 troops to Caemlyn. Arymilla's siege was split up into groups of 5-6 thousand around the main gates. Put Guybon's troops behind/inside any of those groups and charge! Repeat till all Arymilla's army is broken. Rand did it with the Seanchan and drove them back from the Illian border all the way back to Ebou Dar (his last mistake doesn't detract from the overall strategy). The Caemlyn siege was a needlessly protracted affair; and Rand put her in charge of the armies of light during the last battle .... :facepalm :grumble

Kassina Tendar

Aes Sedai
Feb 22, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Prologue

Chapter 15:
-Hanlon is disturbed by the Kin, since he thought they all could channel, but a lot of them had wrinkles.
-He thinks Birgitte might really think she’s the real Birgitte Silverbow.
-The shield on Falion has dissipated, but when she told Shiaine that that should change matters, she disagreed and is determined to continue Falion’s punishment.
-Shiaine wants Hanlon to let some of the Seanchan escape in Caemlyn. The Forsaken want to sow chaos.

Chapter 16:
-Egwene thinks that, if she made a light display over the river, it would likely be greeted by a counterdisplay, which would start off a contest. :laugh: Is that really something Aes Sedai do? ‘Cause that’s kinda hilarious. :p
-Delana is weirdly insistent on declaring Elaida Black Ajah. Is she just trying to sow chaos like the Forsaken want?
-Before Rand runs up it in a few books, no one has even come close to reaching the crest of Dragonmount.
-There was some suspicion that Siuan was being ‘too helpful’ to Egwene after her declaration of war, but that idea was apparently rejected and everyone now again believes that she’s too resentful over her new position to be effective.

Chapter 17:
-Egwene does entertain the notion that some of the people who swore to her are Black Ajah.
-Carlinya is observant and notices that Delana is trying to cause strife among Aes Sedai.
-The Dark One is touching the world, making the Keepings around all the Aes Sedai’s food fail.
-Nicola is going around telling everyone she can Foretell and, so, she knows everything. :facepalm She’s apparently ‘Foretelling’ constantly now… though some of her current Foretellings, even, are real. She Foretells battles with the Seanchan and Asha’man, an imprisoned Amyrlin, the Dragon Reborn doing ‘nine impossible things’, and visions of Tarmon Gai’don.
-Egwene briefly thinks that she wished Siuan had arranged for Nicola and Areina to be killed. :brown-blink: (though then imediatley realizes what she just thought)
-Egwene’s planning how they will turn the chains on the river into cuendillar. She’s already chosen Kairen and Leane to help her do it.

Chapter 18:
-Siuan really doesn’t like Halima and believes all the bad rumors about her. So does Chesa, who also just gets a bad feeling from her.
-Halima is really pissed over being dismissed by Egwene. Then, ‘with remarkable timing’, Egwene’s headache gets really bad. Halima is pissed and both taking her anger out on Egwene and trying to get Egwene to call her back by giving her a bad headache.
-Siuan was only Aes Sedai for 20 years before she became Amyrlin. :brown-blink: :brown-blink: Knowing what we do now about how old people usually are when they are chosen for the Hall, that’s… umm, remarkable is putting it lightly.
-Egwene and Elayne are in regular communication. Elayne warned Egwene about who the Borderlanders were and what they were doing in Andor, so she can safely ignore the notes from Greens’ note from their eyes-and-ears about the Borderlander armies.
-Egwene notices how people tend to really stereotype the Ajahs and put someone in a category based on their Ajah even when they’re obviously not that way. She gets especially annoyed when she hears it about the Green Ajah, where she feels she belongs.
-Siuan highly suspects that Cadsuane is a Darkfriend, because of her connection to the attack in Cairhien.
-Egwene thinks it’s possible, even likely, that Rand has Compelled Aes Sedai. :eek

Imzadi Hopewind

Aes Sedai
May 21, 2011
Oslo, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

I think that Siuan was choosed because a lot of Amyrlins before her died, so someone was afraid it was of age... :shifty Am I right?
May 20, 2016
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

Siuan was Aes Sedai for 10 years before being chosen Amyrlin. She was the youngest Amyrlin in history at the time (Egwene took that honor from her later). And Siuan ruled as Amyrlin for 10 years before Elaida's black-Ajah-manipulated rebellion.

As to why Siuan was raised, part of it was the Hall's desire to have stability in the Tower after the death of several Amyrlins in 10 years (3 iirc); the need for new blood and perspective (after the Red Ajah's massacre of potential channelers); and her strong and capable personality. She was a very good Amyrlin :)
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Ryu Shadowborn

Resident Citizen
Apr 15, 2014
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

CoT – 7

I presume the Dark Hounds are after Rand here, but it is quite odd that we never see this pack again if they are searching for Rand.

CoT – 8

So, here is a question. The inner town is generally undefended and not very well gaurded. Why couldn't the Ashaman make a gateway into one of the houses sneak 3 or 4 people hiding as Gai'shain into the Aiel Camp and save Faile that way.

CoT – 9

More Shaido stuff, useless really. Rolan is something of a waste of a character, we see that he does not like how the Shaido abandon Ji eh toh but does nothing, why not take the Brotherless and convince them to go to the Dragon, or Take the brotherless and go to the Blight. Isn't the heart of the Aiel to spit in the Dark One's Eye? Well you have no hope for the future..take the tens of thousands of Aiel that don't like the Shaido and go screw with some Trollocs.

CoT – 10

Wow the whole Bowl of the Winds causing Winter bit Elayne in the rear end in some ways didn't it?

CoT – 11

I wonder how much of Vandeen's mental state is her acting to make herself seem as nonthreatening as possible. Elyane knows Vandeen is searching for her Sister's Murder however it doesn't seem that the other sisters are in the know.
May 20, 2016
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

CoT – 7

I presume the Dark Hounds are after Rand here, but it is quite odd that we never see this pack again if they are searching for Rand.

CoT – 8

So, here is a question. The inner town is generally undefended and not very well gaurded. Why couldn't the Ashaman make a gateway into one of the houses sneak 3 or 4 people hiding as Gai'shain into the Aiel Camp and save Faile that way.

CoT – 9

More Shaido stuff, useless really. Rolan is something of a waste of a character, we see that he does not like how the Shaido abandon Ji eh toh but does nothing, why not take the Brotherless and convince them to go to the Dragon, or Take the brotherless and go to the Blight. Isn't the heart of the Aiel to spit in the Dark One's Eye? Well you have no hope for the future..take the tens of thousands of Aiel that don't like the Shaido and go screw with some Trollocs.

CoT – 10

Wow the whole Bowl of the Winds causing Winter bit Elayne in the rear end in some ways didn't it?

CoT – 11

I wonder how much of Vandeen's mental state is her acting to make herself seem as nonthreatening as possible. Elyane knows Vandeen is searching for her Sister's Murder however it doesn't seem that the other sisters are in the know.

Regarding the Faile rescue shortcut ... RJ's prophecy ... "When the left hand strays and the right hand stays." Perrin strayed and Mat was held (injured) in Ebou Dar. RJ made it look like the useless Faile plotline is a fulfillment of a prophecy, to push Rand to the brink and make the DO think he has him. The power of authors :)

Rolan and the brotherless left their clans because they didn't believe in Rand ... a manifestation of the "bleakness." I don't know if they could have left the Shaido without setting Sevanna's temper on fire, and ordering their execution. Making sense of any part of the Faile rescue plotline is an exercise of futility.

Vandene was broken by her sister's murder. All her mannerisms point to a woman alive only by virtue of vengeance. She would have probably died if the task of finding her sister's murderer wasn't there for her. That required her to be secretive; since proclaiming her findings (even if only to limit the suspects) would have forced the killer to flee.

Ryu Shadowborn

Resident Citizen
Apr 15, 2014
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

Rolan and the brotherless left their clans because they didn't believe in Rand ... a manifestation of the "bleakness." I don't know if they could have left the Shaido without setting Sevanna's temper on fire, and ordering their execution. Making sense of any part of the Faile rescue plotline is an exercise of futility.

Yes but then you are at least fighting and dying in battle as opposed to..sitting on your rump around a bunch of arsehat Shaido that you don't like.

Making sense of any part of the Faile rescue plotline is an exercise of futility.

That doesn't excuse any of my questions! Perrin wasn't thinking with Portals!
May 20, 2016
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

That doesn't excuse any of my questions! Perrin wasn't thinking with Portals!

Perrin wasn't thinking (period). He was unhinged; and admitted later that he would have done anything for Faile, including total neglect of duties towards the last battle and saving humanity from the DO. He spent his scouts' energy in a futile first rush of adrenaline. He spent his Asha'man's strength on useless gateways.

All Perrin needed was 1 gateway: to Rand (secretly without raising alarms). He would have brought back whatever channelers and troops needed to end the Shaido threat (without collaring 200 damane!!!!). I've lost all hope of applying logic/reasoning to the Faile rescue plotline and Perrin's action therein.
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Kassina Tendar

Aes Sedai
Feb 22, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 19-23

Chapter 19:
-Sheriam is beyond freaked out about what they’re talking about in the Hall. Is she just shaken up after a visit from the Forsaken or something? Why is losing control so much here?
-The idea to suggest bonding Asha’man to the Hall is a group effort.
-Egwene is still thinking of saidin as Shadow-tainted. How would it have changed the reaction to this if they all knew that saidin was no longer tainted? (though I realize it takes them awhile to actually believe that)
-People are still thinking of the thing that happened in Shadar Logoth as a weapon of the Shadow. What do they think the Forsaken were trying to do? Destroy Shadar Logoth? Or maybe they just assume there were some good guys there that the Forsaken were fighting.
-Sheriam has really lost control.

Chapter 20:
-Egwene has noticed that she always has nightmares after one of Halima’s massages. She also doesn’t remember all her dreams after Halima’s massages, which is very unusual for Egwene.
-Halima’s usually waiting for Egwene when she gets back to her tent.
-Seeing the Two Rivers in Tel’Aran’Rhiod makes her very sad to see all the changes.
-Leafblighter is the Aiel name for the Dark One. Does it come from before the Aiel entered the Waste?
-Aviendha reminds Egwene that, unlike how a lot of Aes Sedai think, men are not fools.
-Bowling is called ‘bowls’ in this world.
-Egwene dreams of Mat killing people with cannons. She knows that an Illuminator is involved.
-She dreams of Egeanin helping her, saving her from death.
-She dreams of the Seanchan attacking the Tower.
-Anaiya and her Warder must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
-Nisao was smart and tested for resonance, so they now know that there’s someone wielding Saidin in the camp.

Chapter 21:
-Wardings are failing in the Tower, too, due to the Dark One’s influence, but no one’s really noticed.
-Zemaille hints to Alviarin about her change in status.
-I know she’s Black Ajah and kinda evil, but I tend to like Alviarin better than Elaida for some reason, so I kind of cheer her on in the whole Elaida vs. Alviarin thing. :p
-Alviarin’s heard about ‘lifts’ from the Age of Legends that bring people between floors in buildings.
-Alviarin has been very out-of-the-loop since she left. She doesn’t know Egwene’s army has left Murandy and can Travel.
-Elaida reveals to Alviarin that she had her replaced at Keeper. She took advantage of her absence during an important time.
-Elaida uses the word ‘treason’, which Alviarin is certain means Black Ajah, when Elaida actually means nothing of the sort. It’s a reasonable assumption on Alviarin’s part, though.
-I really wish we had gotten a book written during the Age of Legends. The Standing Flows sound so cool!
-Alviarin sees the body that Mesaana is inhabiting. Shadar Haran doesn’t care about disrupting the illusion with its arrival.
-And Alviarin is marked as belonging to the Dark One. As a weird Alviarin fan, I love this! :laugh: She’s protected from Mesaana now.
-Alviarin has noticed Talene’s standing in relation to Doseine and Yukiri and thinks of it as a place to start while looking for the Black Ajah hunters… Uh oh.

Chapter 22:
606-We find some cool Red Ajahness here! :D I love Tarna here. Her suggestion really does make sense and, now that she’s the Keeper, she has more power to make it happen.
-Tarna is surprised at how much as changed since she left the Tower.
-Tarna went to Pevara first about bonding Asha’man because she is seen as ‘unconventional’ for a Red and has voiced interest in bonding a Warder.
-Elaida is a fool and forbids any mention of the Asha’man. :rolleyes Does she just hope the problem will go away if she doesn’t think about it?
-Pevara shows Tarna the paper she received from Toveine about their imprisonment at the Black Tower.

Chapter 23:
-Verin was in charge of taking the Sea Folk to Tear.
-Harine went as fast as she could, once she reached Tear, to see if she could be raised to the Mistress of the Ships.
-Verin doesn’t know that Min and Rand are bonded (at least, Cadsuane assumes she doesn’t).
-I’m sad that the Companion didn’t give us more information about the 3 ter’angreal in Cadsuane’s bun that she doesn’t know what they do. I was hoping it would have information about all 10 of them.
-I would love to learn more about Norla, Cadsuane’s mentor! Unfortunately, it’s another subject about which the Companion gives us nothing new. :\ Cadsuane apparently ‘earned’ her ornaments from Norla.
-Merise took away Jahar’s dragon pin. :facepalm She considers giving it back to him (or not) after just saying that it was akin to attaining the shawl for Asha’man. Come on, Merise, think of how pissed you’d be if he just stole your shawl until you earned it. :indifferent: She wants the pin to come from her hand, though.
-Alivia is jealous and protective of Rand and so has a bit of a rivalry with Min. Cadsuane doesn’t understand the relationship there and wants to know what’s between them.
-Elza is very protective of Rand and determined for him to reach the Last Battle, even wanting to protect him from Cadsuane… because that’s the only way the Dark One can kill him. Cadsuane’s confused because Elza seems almost jealous.
-Algarin is meeting with Rand about going to the Black Tower.

Aduiavas Ida

Aes Sedai
Head of the White Ajah
Jun 10, 2008
Drøbak, Norway
  1. She - Her
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 24-28

Yes, Elaida just gets more and more delusional, and don't want to think about things :rolleyes Exactly what she berated the Sitters for a few books back :look:

And yes, Merise needs to stop. I realize that they are Warders now, but he is still a person :indifferent: He earned that pin, give it back now!

Ryu Shadowborn

Resident Citizen
Apr 15, 2014
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 24-28

CoT – 12

So Elayne and Nyneave already broke “tradition” by teaching the windfinders (and some of the Kin) how to link. Why does she need the seafolk? She has a couple of hundred Channelers who can link to make gateways.

But that could be that I hate the Windfinders, probably more than I hate the Seanchan, because at least the Seanchan's discrimination against Channelers at least makes sense as opposed to “Every non-Seafolk is beneath us” that the Seafolk practice. I don't agree with “All Channelers are evil manipulative jerks who will try to seize power.” but when the best example of “An Aes Sedai who had purely good intentions” is Verin it is really hard to not at least understand why the Seanchan don't trust Aes Sedai.

CoT – 13

I love the Young High Seats (Who I dub the High Chairs since they are young) even Catalyn is fun and amusing.

CoT 14

You know, Elyane and Aviendha could have made the excuse that “Aviendha is wearing suitable clothing for the types of battles that she faces in A royal Court” for her being in silks.

CoT 15

Nothing here of real relevance in my opinion.

CoT 16

It is not surprising that the idea of Negotiations came up in the Siege.

CoT – 17

What is the point of making the harbor chains into Cuendillar? Does it fuse the links together?

CoT – 18

So what was the plot with the Sitters? Was it just stuffing people two young into the role so that they can step down easily?

CoT – 19

And this was something that was pretty much destined to happen. From the moment Rand came up with the idea of the Black Tower (which goes hand in hand with his plan to cleanse the taint). With linking being such a powerful force in the setting for amplifying magic it is pretty much a forgone conclusion that at some point the White and Black towers would come to some agreement.
May 20, 2016
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 24-28

CoT – 17

What is the point of making the harbor chains into Cuendillar? Does it fuse the links together?

CoT – 18

So what was the plot with the Sitters? Was it just stuffing people two young into the role so that they can step down easily?

Turning the harbor chains into cuendillar would have closed the harbors and prevented the lowering of the chains to allow ships. And the one power would not have been a solution to that problem since cuendillar cannot be broken by the OP. So, Egwene would have basically held Tar Valon in her grasp. The city would starve; and Elaida would have been forced to negotiate surrender terms. At the time, the Tower didn't have Traveling.

The plot with the sitters was really a plot .....

by the Ajah heads to rule the White Tower from the shadow by sending sitters to the rebels and installing an "under control" hall in the Tower. It was their solution to Elaida's tyranny and incompetence; as well as the need to heal the tower in the face of Tarmon Gai'don.

Ryu Shadowborn

Resident Citizen
Apr 15, 2014
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 24-28

Turning the harbor chains into cuendillar would have closed the harbors and prevented the lowering of the chains to allow ships.

That is what I am confused about. Does it fuse the chain into one long segment instead of a bunch of links?

Wil Cambrae

Loremaster Wil
May 12, 2010
Chuckville, IL
  1. He - Him
Re: Re-Readalong: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapters 24-28

Yes, it fused them all together. The one that didn't get turned completely they could still lower somewhat, but it did hamper them. There is also mentioned that in order to open the other harbor they'd have to dismantle the battlements that the chains went into when they're raised.

Ryu Shadowborn

Resident Citizen
Apr 15, 2014
CoT – 20

Anaiya gets killed presumably because she is in the plan to screw with the chains in the Harbor, we know Halima does it, does Halima know about the plan? Also I hate how many different names the Forsaken have. Osan'gar and Asang'gar do very little but we end up having to keep track of both their names.

CoT – 21

Oh Alviarin, you get such crappy treatment for all you have done for the Black. It has to really suck to be in her position. You serve Ishamael and do well for Decades..then Mesaana shows up and like the stereotypical middle manager she is lets her Ego completely ruin any chances of effectiveness. That is right Mesaana is the pointy haired boss of The Wheel of Time.

Mesaana is also implied to be raped by The Dark One. I can't take rape as creepy anymore, I really can't. I dunno where but sometime in the past year a line has been crossed where the idea of “See this guy is a badguy, he rapes people..he is SUPER DUPER EVIL” now just makes me giggle a little because the emotional manipulation going on is just obvious. The whole “The Source vanishes around him” thing feels so much more imposing and creepy than “lets check off a box on the badguy list, next appearance Shadar Haran will

CoT – 22

Poor Pevara, she is getting sent into the Snake's den.

CoT - 23

Nothing here ths is really of value.

CoT – 24

I want to smack the Borderlands Ogier. Like really. “Go home you are too young.” is NOT an appropriate response when being told “Hey The Dragon Reborn and the White Tower say that Shadowspawn are using the ways to attack people” -Facepalm-

-Double Facepalm- This Rand is why you shouldn't have left the Black Tower to itself for several books. The entire Black Tower thing was a little strange, The logic is very sound but Rand then just abandons it to Taim.

CoT – 25

So Harbor, This is quite an unsettling place in the series. I really like the little side steps that show that reality is breaking down. I do think that towards a Memory of Light some of them become a bit much. Like the Brown Quarters and the Novice quarters switching locations, or the whole “All food has rotted” thing that shows up in the last book. Like book 4 sets up The Two Rivers as being revived..and the Last book just..has everyone abandon it from how I understood the wording.

CoT -26

I love that Berelain is incredibly angry at the Lord of So Harbor. I wish we saw more of the Queen Berelain as opposed to the competitive one, The ghosts and the weevils are not really surprising.

CoT – 27

Perrin's chopping off of the Hand isn't nearly as scary as his threat to maim the Aiel, then find them places where they could beg for food, Perrin accidentally hits right where an Aiel would live, Imagine the complete shame for an Aiel to have to beg for food in a “Wetland” Village.

CoT – 28

And the best romance in the series starts. I love Mat being completely flummoxed by Tuon and finding out he Started a Marriage ceremony with her. It is just hilarious seeing him have no idea what he is doing and treat it like a battle.

CoT – 29

This is my favorite chapter of the book, the writing is excellent. Jordan distracts the reader with the idea of Tuon betraying Mat, her getting lost in the town and the Aes Sedai getting unmasked. Then he slaps you with the other hand by having Renna stab Egeanin and run away, and the tension is incredibly high.

And Tuon bails Lucca out, erasing a lot of the reason behind everything, which is a lot of situations would be terrible and make the scene meaningless..but Tuon is doing it just to troll Mat so it is awesome.

CoT – 30

-Headdesks- Egwene, Why in the name of the great lord of the shadow did you not..INVERT YOUR WEAVES. It is night time! Do you know what happens when something glows at night? People see it -throws tomatoes at- They really need to start teaching applied channeling to Accepted. In high school, I took applied English in my senior year because the College Prep courses were all just reading boring, terrible books, and I learned far more in one year of applied than I did in College Prep because we were mimicking real world situations in our assignments. Aes Sedai could use quite a bit of real world simulation in their teaching. Use the skills you learned!

CoT – Epilogue

Hmm Rand is meeting the Daughter of the Nine Moons, a Meeting set up by Suroth who we know is a Darkfriend.

I wonder if this is a trap of some sort.