Karassa Souladrin
Aes Sedai
Looking for some Chat Operators for our chat rooms! (#wheel, #oldewarderandhen, #wanderingwoman)
- You must be a member of at least 6 months.
- You must be someone who frequents chat regularly
- If you wish to moderate in our #wanderingwoman chat room, you must be 18 or older.
- You must possess tact.
- Moderate the chat rooms and keep them family friendly
- Diffuse any flare-ups that might occur between members
- Enforce chat and Tower policies
Right now, we need more ops for the following times, preference will be given to those who can fill times where we need coverage.
23:00-03:00 GMT
09:00-14:00 GMT
If you would like to apply, please send an application to the moderators email (in my sig, below) detailing why you would like to be an op, why you think you would be good at it, which of our three channels you would like to be an op in (you can apply for all 3 at once if you'd like) and most importantly, what times IN GMT! (use this converter if necessary: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter/) you can be available as an op.
Preference will be given to those who can follow directions.
Also! If you are currently an op and have not responded to the R&R thread in the Op forum (we get our own forum!) then you may be replaced.
- You must be a member of at least 6 months.
- You must be someone who frequents chat regularly
- If you wish to moderate in our #wanderingwoman chat room, you must be 18 or older.
- You must possess tact.
- Moderate the chat rooms and keep them family friendly
- Diffuse any flare-ups that might occur between members
- Enforce chat and Tower policies
Right now, we need more ops for the following times, preference will be given to those who can fill times where we need coverage.
23:00-03:00 GMT
09:00-14:00 GMT
If you would like to apply, please send an application to the moderators email (in my sig, below) detailing why you would like to be an op, why you think you would be good at it, which of our three channels you would like to be an op in (you can apply for all 3 at once if you'd like) and most importantly, what times IN GMT! (use this converter if necessary: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter/) you can be available as an op.
Preference will be given to those who can follow directions.
Also! If you are currently an op and have not responded to the R&R thread in the Op forum (we get our own forum!) then you may be replaced.