Recent content by Thaddius al'Guy

  1. Thaddius al'Guy

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    It was sort of one of those things that got eventually ret-conned, I think.
  2. Thaddius al'Guy

    Hi, I'm Bryce!

    I'm Thad.
  3. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congrats Idine and Rhyin!

    Color me shocked. Congrats!
  4. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations, Kallarn Lo'Vosh Gaidin of Val'Cueran!

    Two in a day? It is a good day. :vc1::vc2: Congrats!
  5. Thaddius al'Guy

    Welcome to the Ring, Accepted Ruslan!

    Good on ya, bruv.
  6. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations, Estelyn Sedai!

    Congrats, Estelyn.
  7. Thaddius al'Guy

    [Closed] Hiring: Company Commander of VC: Applications Due Feb. 17

    Thanks bro, we should get a beer some time.
  8. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations, Soldier Dorian!

    Congrats, d00d.
  9. Thaddius al'Guy

    So where on earth is all the merch????!?!?!?!

    We've got a lot of neat jewelry, but I feel like Men's choices for merch for the show is rather lacking. Posters, clothing, anything. I'm still rather sour we don't have a lot of options still.