Thank you. I'm more concerned than annoyed. Okay, and a little impatient , but can you blame me? The promise of more to be revealed by way of boards and classes has me very excited to explore.
Thanks! Yeah, I've had a numerical goal in past years, but with grad school being a thing this year, I don't want to stress myself out with trying to reach a goal that may not be attainable. I also realized that having a numerical goal never made me read faster... the only thing it did was maybe make me choose shorter books to read sometimes to meet the goal. So I like to keep track of how many books I've read each year, but I want to just read whatever books I want without having to worry about a goal. :joy
Hi Nynyra. Yes, obviously I have joined the site, finally. Thanks for glittering / prodding me **discovers self covered in glitter*. I'll work on that whole intro thing
Dir auch Happy new year!