Faelyn al’Moor

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  • Well, I had a lovely weekend until I found out that someone stole my debit info and took themselves on the most expensive mall trip in history
    Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum
    Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum
    OMG! I hope you're able to get some of it back, or the back can work with you. That's awful!! I'm sorry! :(
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Thanks, I hope so too. I won't find out until tomorrow though because my bank is closed for Indigenous People's Day.
    Jadak Al'Dargon
    Jadak Al'Dargon
    People who buy things with other people’s money suck.
    Well I just got news that my road bike got stolen from my campus bike storage a few nights ago :cry2:

    I always knew it was a risk, but I am more upset about it then I thought I would be. Just glad I keep the really expensive bike in my room.
    Polegnyn Nemeara
    Polegnyn Nemeara
    Ohh nooo… I’m sorry :frown:
    Viktara Fen
    Viktara Fen
    That sucks! :( I know it's unlikely, but I hope it can be found!
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Well, I did actually find it on offerup. (I drew all over it so I know it’s mine) The police are aware, so now I am just waiting on them to actually do anything about it.
    Anybody have tips on how not to lock one’s self out of their dorm? Cause I am having trouble
    Ruslan Rynar
    I do that now. It's not a bowl, but a magnetic fridge shelf thing. Keys and wallet go there every time I come home.
    Catt Walburga de Wiltz
    Catt Walburga de Wiltz
    I endorse the necklace dog tag idea. That is how I had to do it in undergrad living on campus, and I just hung it on the doorknob when I was in my room so I could easily find it in event of a fire alarm, etc. It still happened when I started doing that, but not as much.
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Thanks for the advice! I have put my keys on my door knob. I still managed to lock myself out when I went to do laundry though :rofl:
    Guess who got exposed to Covid yesterday! And has classes starting tomorrow… :cry2:
    Catt Walburga de Wiltz
    Catt Walburga de Wiltz
    Hope you remain negative! I've noticed in the past with having had covid twice that I don't test positive until the second full day of symptoms for some reason, but I hope that if you do end up positive that it's mild and passes quickly.
    Polegnyn Nemeara
    Polegnyn Nemeara
    How did the first week of classes go? :)
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    It went good! I really liked them, and they don’t seem too hard. If anything I actually think I am going to be a little bored, but that will change when I get a job. Also, I tested negative for Covid, so I am all good on that front too.
    So I moved into college yesterday. My classes start next week. It sort of feels like I am staying at a hotel. It still hasn’t really sunk in that I live here now…
    Ephrem Elpidius
    Ephrem Elpidius
    Living at college for four years was best time of my life, loved my classes, loved the work/life balance. It's strange the way we do high school, it's more like a 9 to 5 job, and college is actually paced much better imo. My advice would be to just be friendly and open to new experiences. :)
    Nadezhda al'Lanahrin
    Nadezhda al'Lanahrin
    Many congratulations and good luck!!
    Atane Valthon
    Atane Valthon
    Congratulations! I get the feeling odd, but I hope it turns into a great experience.
    I have been working on some WoT art in honor of the new season. I decided to draw the horses. So far, I have finished Bela, Mandarb, Stepper, Alkien, and Aldieb. I am almost done with Pips, but am unsure how to finish. He is described as plain and brown, but I always imagined him with spots on his hindquarters like an appaloosa :cry2:
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    I also grew up drawing horses! I have explored a lot of other subjects since then, but I like to go back to my roots sometimes.
    Siusane al'Cuyler
    Siusane al'Cuyler
    my apologies for being pedantic but the horse name was bugging me (because i have a pretty good memory for the books, haha) so i looked it up and found it in our very own site library: it was named Akein (meaning Swallow).
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    I just figured it out yesterday :laugh: I remembered it wrong. I listened to the books, so the spellings often escape me and I threw an L in there for some reason
    I have been a member here for a year as of yesterday. I am not the most active member, but I have felt so welcomed and have loved every interaction I have had with the folks here. I am so excited to continue my journey on TV.net and to get to watch and support (perhaps even be part of) other people's journeys as well.

    Thank you all for being so awesome, and I hope to get to know more of you as time goes on! :love
    Renaissance fairs are the best. You show up, buy some pretty rocks, and then play dungeons and dragons. Plus, getting to dress up. I am going three times this month :rofl:
    Merena Orithana
    Merena Orithana
    It is the best!! I'm hoping I can make it this summer, but my schedule is unfortunately packed. :(
    Anyone know of anything fun to do in Costa Mesa California?
    Also, I hope you have a car because Orange County is not really friendly if you don't. Are you willing to venture out a bit? There are things in Newport, Anaheim (that aren't theme parks), Huntington Beach, El Segundo. Lots of Breweries. OC is basically one giant sprawling parking lot but there are cool things- they're just spread out. @ me for more if you're still there.
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    We mostly ubered around. We saw a musical at the sergerstrom center for the arts, and hung out there for a while. It was pretty cool. We also visited a few different parks and restaurants. All in all a good trip, we are headed out now though.
    Boreas Silverfir
    Boreas Silverfir
    travel safely. hopefully the mountains are out for the ride back.
    Just took my cat to the vet. He’s in a lot of pain, and straining to use the litter box. Crossing my fingers it’s something easy to fix. Poor guy was panting the whole car ride.
    Xander Silverstar
    Xander Silverstar
    Oh no, hope they are ok
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    He’s doing better now. On some pain medication and enjoying it immensely. He is high as a kite.
    I have a training today for my summer job. I am really excited about it, but it’s so early and absolutely pouring rain :cry2:
    I’ve got a four hour long test today, and I can’t decide if I am excited about getting to test my skills or nervous about not knowing any of the answers.
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Thanks for the support!

    It went pretty okay, especially the short answer responses. I am probably going to be a little checked out mentally for the rest of the week though lol.
    Boreas Silverfir
    Boreas Silverfir
    Good thing you can relax at a carnival on Saturday night. 😁
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Not sure if relax is the right word, but I am certainly looking forward to it!
    I always hate it when people decide I don't know what I am talking about because I am young. Especially when I talk about "worldly" things like architecture or places I don't like. I am in a bit of a unique position as a young person who has been to over half of the US States. The assumption is very irritating though.
    We put up our Christmas tree this weekend, and the cat won’t stop trying to play with it. All he wants to do is lay underneath it on his back and wack at the lights and ornaments :laugh:
    I have a Jazz choir concert today! I am super excited, but a little nervous. I’m just hoping I don’t trip on stage again :laugh:
    Alexr al'Petros
    Alexr al'Petros
    You owned those Bugbear...you'll own this! Have a great concert!!
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Thanks Alexr!

    It went well and with no tripping.
    I think I am going to end up with a new kitten in the next few weeks and I am very excited!
    Lithiel Morn
    Lithiel Morn
    Oooh! How come? :pleased-1:
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Planning on moving out soon and taking my current cat with me, but he has always had friends and I don’t want him to be lonely while I am college. I found this perfect little lynx point kitten at my local shelter, and chances of getting her are looking good.
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