I'm Anarie, and I'm a member of the welcoming committee. Which means if you have any problems or just want to chat I'm always available, so don't be shy.
I'm here to help you get on your feet. There are three other members of the committee, Avery d’Itkarya, Luna Morn, and Neria Hawke, who would also be happy to help.
I suggest that you read all the stickies, you'll find them at the top of each forum. Also check out the membership manual, you'll find it to the top of the screen under the heading 'Library'.
Honestly, they helped a lot when I first joined. I see you've got an introduction in the Introduction thread. That will give everyone the chance to say hi and get to know you.
You've come to the right place to meet other WoT fans, you'll no doubt find a lot of interesting threads about the forums where you can share your ideas and give opinions. It's great! Don't be afraid to just jump into threads, we all felt nervous at the start!
Visitor Messages can be viewed publicly. Once you're a true member after 25 posts and you email the mayor for citizenship, I *think* you'll have access to regular private messages. I'm a bit shaky on that, though. That's what the stickies are for.
Once you become a Citizen, you'll have access to quite a few more forums. We are ranked here very similarly to the books, but it's not RPG very much at all except during the freeweeks (Shaoman, Beltine, Sunday, Feast of Lights). Also, for more interaction, there's an IRC chat forum and the link is right next to the FAQ. I warn you, the link is for Mibbit, and it's ornery. I tend to use sorcery.com, but there are aspects of both that I like and hate. I'm usually there in the early mornings--I'm a chat op this term.