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  1. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    Thought I already did get a citizenship? My surname is now fully displayed.
  2. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    *Serves Sorcha Al'Verdan some of Colonel Sander's best* I've sent Toral Gaidin at a mail some days back now. I do hope he is not too busy in the study to check the mail. Unless his silence is his way of saying no. I must say that reading the Library has shown me MUCH work...
  3. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    Begging your pardon, master Cherubim, but I prefer chickens. Fried, Kentucky style.
  4. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    I will do this with all due alacrity.
  5. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    So what do I do now? I mean, how do I go about getting my surname, and getting rights to assist in the Library? I've made it past my 25 posts. :)
  6. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    Once a Randlander, always a Randlander. Tai'shar Randland!
  7. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    Brand? Can't say that I have. But I look forward to it. ps. That is my new avatar, and yes, I'm possibly a Wolfbrother, not saying anything beyond that... <.< >.> O.O
  8. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    Thanks for the massive welcoming committee, everyone. :) You sure do know how to make a traveller feel welcome. ;)
  9. Tanicus Perrilys

    Hail and well met

    Greetings I bid one and all, My name is Tanicus Perrilys, though that is most definitely not my true name. That will come in time, as people gets to know me better. I have in truth been a follower of Tar Valon for the better part of, well, quite a number of years. I have found the place to be a...