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  1. Juliya Karisu

    Lurked... now I'm in the door!

    We're in a free week called Shaoman and everyone has a theme. The JMs (Novice, Recruit, Accepted, Soldier) are frogs ^^ I quite like my new head.
  2. Juliya Karisu

    Lurked... now I'm in the door!

    Oooh nice :) Have you always lived there? I've only been there once and it was when I was 3 so I really don't remember it.
  3. Juliya Karisu

    Lurked... now I'm in the door!

    BC person!!! :D I saw your posts around the site (good job :lol) and was very excited to find this thread and welcome you! Whereabouts in BC are you? So, welcome! :welcome You're not the only one, I like Galad, too! But Nynaeve is my favourite character ^^