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  1. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    I read Mitosis last night since it was so short. ^^
  2. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    Definitely the latter. :shifty
  3. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    I try not to, but I get so offended when my friends or family don't like the things I like. :look
  4. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    I have so many books from the library right now, I have to wait until I'm done with a few of them to start the second. :lol
  5. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    Oh I forgot to mention that I finished Steelheart! I enjoyed it. :D It kept my interest all the way through, and I look forward to reading the next one. Steelheart end spoiler:
  6. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    It's a really fun series! I like it a lot. Midoriya is a great protagonist. :D
  7. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    David is seriously giving me Izuku Midoriya vibes from My Hero Academia. :lol Well not all of the character obviously - Midoriya is younger and different personality. But the whole powerless but obsessed with Epics with extensive research thing. :p
  8. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    Book one came in today from the library! Starting it tonight. :D
  9. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    Now I am imagining Thad's house like a library where they do curated book displays. "Editor's Picks of November..."
  10. Elia LePhant

    The Reckoners Trilogy

    I haven't heard of them! I will check them out from the library. ^^