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  1. Catt Heckathorne

    Galad and Perrin are autistic

    When the wolf takeover in general happens. It's a lot like a personality switch in DID. Same with LTT.
  2. Catt Heckathorne

    Galad and Perrin are autistic DSM criteria: Basically it's the non amnesia form of DID, other specified dissociative disorder, but except for the non-amnesia bit the wolf brother takeover and Lews Therin Telamon both fit these...
  3. Catt Heckathorne

    Galad and Perrin are autistic

    Perrin is more DID because of the wolves, but DID can look like autism. .....Actually, both Perrin AND Rand have DID. They both regularly get taken over by alternate personalities. :look :cheese