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  1. Aduiavas Ida

    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere

    Have you read his other works? I personally love the Steelheart trilogy. And yes, I love how everything is connected :D
  2. Aduiavas Ida

    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere

    Yes, I am reading Shadows of Self now, and it wouldn't make much sense if you hadn't read Alloy of Law first :look Can't go into specifics without spoilers ;)
  3. Aduiavas Ida

    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere

    Tomorrow is the day for a new Mistborn book ^^ Or the second book in the Alloy of Law trilogy, whatever you prefer ;) Also, a new version of Elantris is coming ^^
  4. Aduiavas Ida

    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere

    I agree Winter, but if there are nothing left to wonder about, it will get boring. That is why I like the fact that there are still things to wonder about in WoT :)
  5. Aduiavas Ida

    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere

    I think that Stormlight Archive especially will be hard for some to understand without having read the other books. Spoiler from Words of Radiance:
  6. Aduiavas Ida

    Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere

    I LOVE Sandersons books ^^ Especially Elantris. I usually refer to Elantris as the best one-novel book I have ever read :look Warbreaker is also great. Mistborn is also cool, especially since it kills some typical stereotypes, such as hero-always-survive ;)