Search results

  1. Xander Silverstar

    Hi, I'm Bryce!

    Hi! I met you at JCon, we had lunch together on Sunday and Monday. I was the brown guy / weeb .
  2. Xander Silverstar

    Wheel of Time Trivia - Ummm, Actually 4/28/24

    I really liked this game! The timing didn't work out for me, but I would play it in the future.
  3. Xander Silverstar

    Calendar Event Requests

    Jack Box Games Friday May 10th and 8PM EST.
  4. Xander Silverstar

    Jackbox Party Games with Xander- UPCOMING DATES May 10th

    Yea, how about Friday May 10th and 8PM EST.
  5. Xander Silverstar

    Mother’s Milk in a cup!

  6. Xander Silverstar

    Hello to all

    Hello Welcome
  7. Xander Silverstar

    Happy Hour with Tree - UPCOMING Dates: May 8th 8pm Eastern

    i just saw this! this is fun
  8. Xander Silverstar

    [Closed] Hiring: Director of Research and Records: Due March 17

    Thank you @Ilverin Matriam for all of your hard work
  9. Xander Silverstar

    Interest in online board games

    I think i would want to start with some easy games like Splendor, Love Letter and Carcasonne
  10. Xander Silverstar

    So .... how are we feeling about the AI???

    I think they missed out by not calling it AI-Sedai
  11. Xander Silverstar

    Calendar Event Requests

    1. Jackbox Games 2. March 22 3. 7PM EST 4. Jackbox Games 5. Same as before 6. Same as before
  12. Xander Silverstar

    Interest in online board games

    Are people interested in playing board games online? Games like Love Letter Splendor Carcasonne Etc? These games unlike JackBox require owning the game though
  13. Xander Silverstar

