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  1. Etrise al'Wiskanen

    S2E8 "What Was Meant To Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    Really liked the episode. Mat making the ashandarei out of the cursed dagger and being a Hero of the Horn was quite interesting. (does it mean the aelfinn/eelfinn plotlines are going to be deleted? In the books the Tower of Ghenjei thing seems to mainly be a plot device to stash Moiraine in for...
  2. Etrise al'Wiskanen

    S2E5 "Damane" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    I liked how the show-writers have decided to incorporate Verin's sabotaging of the Black Ajah early by having her lead the other Brown Aes Sedai to the realisation that there was a Black Ajah and that they had something to do with the wonder girls' disappearance without technically giving...
  3. Etrise al'Wiskanen

    Hello everyone!

    I'm a student from New Zealand who is literate in English and Mandarin (conversational in Mandarin, fluent in English). I've read all the WoT books once, so have a general understanding of the plot, and am planning on a reread at the end of the year. As I was reading, I thought, man, I want to...