Recent content by Mirar Dreamweaver

  1. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    She's got another series in the Black Magician universe, IIRC. Thanks for the kind welcome :)
  2. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    I quite enjoyed the Age of Five when I read it (as you can probably guess from my username :P) I also liked her Black Magician, haven't read too much of her other stuff though.
  3. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    Thanks to both of you :P
  4. Mirar Dreamweaver

    The Mayor made me do this!!!!!

    Welcome from another newbie! Hopefully we'll both enjoy the site a lot!
  5. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Hello Everybody! (AKA Stop Kicking Me Kitan!)

    Anytime, bro, anytime.
  6. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

  7. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    NO WAI O: So much faster than certain people.
  8. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    No playstation D:
  9. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    Dishonored is great, fun story, great atmosphere, and blink is an awesome spell :D
  10. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    No dragging involved... Maybe. As for gaming, I play a lot of League of Legends these days, but like plenty of games- playing Assassin's Creed, Batman, and Dishonored atm.
  11. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! And the person who invited me to the forum is the one who first responded :P As for favorite WoT character... Probably Mat.
  12. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    Well. I only read for a few hours a day. Goodreads is on my top 5 visited websites just from updating my current reads :P
  13. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Hello Everybody! (AKA Stop Kicking Me Kitan!)

    In that case I'll have to get you a coke zero, amirite?
  14. Mirar Dreamweaver

    Gday everyone!

    Well in that case, just ask first :P And yes, I've read the whole series. Multiple times :o