JUNE- Pride Month

Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

This year as TVN celebrates our stripes; both earned and adopted; we would like to take a look at the history of Pride. Especially now in the US, where it feels like all the progress of the 54 years since Stonewall is rapidly fading. Much has been said about Stonewall and the incredible people who finally stood up against injustice and the laws against homosexual activity including simply dancing with a member of the same sex, required a person to be wearing at least 3 articles of clothing that "matched their gender," and many others that placed our community at risk of arrest. Fewer people know that the first thrown object at the Stonewall Inn that night of June 28, 1969 came after one such person was having their clothing checked against their ID.

"Why don't you guys do something?" is the question of a moment turned legend that started the riots that led to Pride as we know it today.

Our communities stand divided. The question of "who counts" is drowning out our common struggle and the battles we are currently facing together; and it is hard not to see the similarities between where we stand today, and where we were standing some 50 years ago. So, this year for Pride Month, we are going to be taking a bit more of a deep-dive into the History of Pride Month.

We cannot understand where we are headed, until we learn where it is we have been.

Our Team asks that as you read the links provided, and engage with the material in conversation with your fellow Tower Community members this month, you are kind to each other. Accepting of one another. Our differences can be broad and run deep; but we are asking you to understand the humanity of those who have come before, and the humanity of those who are currently fighting for their rights to survive. To simply live, as themselves, in a world that would rather see them perish.

We are now, as we were on the cusp of the AIDs Crisis, and further into our shared past; all the way back to the razing of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research) on May 6, 1933 by the Nazis; on the edge of a slow genocide of our Rainbow Family. As we look to the past for answers about where we have been, consider where it is we are standing now. The current legislation barring freedom of transition, of medical care, of simply knowing that others like you are out there in the world. Your Queer and LGBT+ community members are seeing the writing on the wall, and have been for a long time now.

If you care about us, it is time to open your eyes.

It is time, in the words of Stormé DeLarverie, to DO SOMETHING... and we can all start by learning.


When "Gay Marriage" passed in 2015, it left many Nonbinary (NB) people behind, didn't include necessary protections for the disabled, and largely ignored other rights that matter as much or more than marriage, like survivorship benefits, the right of inheritance, and more! In a move that was definitely a landmark case and cause for hope amongst the LGBTQ+ Community, the Supreme Court legalized one more kind of marriage... and left far more still unequal and behind.

Despite our hope and the efforts of lobbyists and outreach groups like the ACLU, there are still more states that do not recognize NB people than do, and they must still be married under male or female genders which due to the current actions of the Supreme Court going after Obergefell v Hodges after overturning Roe V Wade, those marriages in which a NB partner chose the "opposite" gender marker from the one assigned at birth, are now under attack. Imagine, if you will, being able at long last to marry your partner after a legal battle in which you must justify your basic existence to a court and a judge, change your name and gender marker after jumping through all those hoops; hormone replacement therapy, surgical intervention (required in most states to legally change your gender), a letter from a psychiatrist (often only received after YEARS of therapy and being jerked around by the so-called "medical professionals" who are meant to help you-) only to then be told that your rights are once again in question due you being either trans or your gender matching your partner.

That is the world in which we are currently living. That is the world that we are unable to escape and must deal with. The cold reality at the doors of our lives.

Ever since 2015 and that landmark case, our Community has remained under attack. With hate crimes and targeted shootings still ongoing, more states are using X gender markers to target trans people than are focused on keeping them safe from those same hate crimes. Legislators in Florida, Tennessee and Missouri are more concerned with policing the genitalia of children than making sports accessible to people of all ages- due to their assumptions and bigotry due to the current power imbalances in the state Senates and vocal Republicans demanding that we bow to their religious extremism. 530 anti-trans and anti-queer bills have been proposed this year, and meanwhile Florida has made it legal to separate children from families who love and support them if they are suspected of having access to someone undergoing transition and are pursuing charges of child abuse over puberty blockers while making their families political refugees to other states.

This pain and terror for minors for the co-called crime of using puberty blockers which have been helping cisgender children with precocious puberty since their approval in 1993 and do nothing more than stave off the irreversible hormonal affects of puberty while the child undergoes therapy and other interventions to be certain of their choices. All this before undergoing hormone replacement therapy for the correct puberty in accordance with their identity; or because an adult in their life has dared to be themselves and seek medical transition. Which is and has continued to be the current best practice according to scientists, psychologists, and medical professionals, and is supported by years of research, despite the meddling of legislators who do not have a medical license and have never gone to medical school.

Horrific enough before you even get into the broad drag bans that define "drag" so poorly that a trans adult existing in public can be cited by an overzealous officer, thrown out of bathrooms, or worse due to the lies being told about us. More horrific when state governments controlled by Republicans are over-involving themselves in deciding what can and cannot be legally allowable self expression and are actively denying their citizens medical and sexual autonomy with their ever-increasing attacks on our personal rights. Even more horrific when you know that these same states are banning books that even mention being LGBTQ+ or anything approaching a realistic view of history in order to maintain their control.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. We are asking you to help us avoid repeating it. And, if we are forced back into the closets and behind locked doors, that you stand with us for our safety and our freedom. Do not allow the politics of this country to divide us further. Stand up. Fight back for our individual freedom to choose and to live as ourselves, the same as any other citizen.

Stand with us, or we all fall.

Further Reading:

USA Today: Timeline of Gay Marriage

ACLU : Tracking Attacks on LGBTQ Rights+
Erin In The Morning: May Anti-Trans Legislation Map (The most up-to-date as of 5.19.23)

History.Com: A Timeline of the 1969 Uprising

The Culture Crush: Why Don't You Guys Do Something?

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Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them
Excellent article @Ananke Zaresh do you have any ideas for how we can improve our LGBTQ+ rights?
Keeping apprised of current local and federal level proposed bills, and by making your voice heard.

Find Your Representative and give them a call if they support legislation you disagree with! Emails get filtered, and so does ResistBot, but they can't deny when their answering machine is full of angry citizens whose rights are being removed!

Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

Week Two: Timelines of the AIDs Crisis, and How Lesbians and Leatherfolk Saved Lives

There are many unsung heroes of the AIDs Crisis, and there are many stories that I am not well equipped to tell, no matter how much research I do. So, for this week, we are going to focus on two groups who largely go ignored when Pride Month rolls around: Dykes On Bikes and the Lesbians who provided hospital care and at-home service to those dying of the plague that killed so many of our Rainbow Family, and the Leatherfolk who created the first Gay Bars, literal boots on the ground during the crisis, provided some of the first fundraisers for AIDs patients, and who, together, did their best to save the history of the dying before their families could erase it.

Some of this History is available through the Leather Archive. It is, however, an 18+ site, so I will not be linking it directly. Those of you who are of an age however and interested in our shared history are welcome to do that research and have those conversations.

Before we move on to the general history and links we CAN share with our broad TVN family, we would like to make it very clear: Leatherfolk and those known as "Kinksters" were on the forefront of creating "best practices" during the onset of the AIDs crisis. Without them, without articles and booklets like The Lesbian S/m Safety Manual, we would have hundreds, if not thousands, more lives! Just as there IS NO PRIDE without our Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Variant community members, there is no Pride without the Kinksters and Leatherfolk! Our shared roots run deep, and our struggles for acceptance, freedom, and the ability to love as we choose are under attack according to the same laws that set out to harm the Queer and LGBTQ communities. There is no debate to be had there.

UCSF : 40 Years of AIDs : A Timeline of the Epidemic
History.Com : AIDs TImeline

Thread by Pup Amp of Watts The Safeword on Pride History
The Mayor of Fulsom Street: The Life and Legacy of Alan Selby; Linked in the above Thread by Pup Amp.
The Mayor of Fulsom Street : Amazon Link <- Link to the Actual Book itself that Amp references.

From the Amazon Page: This is a biography of San Francisco entrepreneur and activist Alan Selby, founder of the iconic Mr. S Leather Store on Folsom Street. In the Introduction, Dr. Jones, a close associate of the late Mr. Selby, offers a biography of the man, who immigrated from London to San Francisco, where he became world famous as the owner of the Mr. S Leather store and a key figure in the San Francisco gay community during the AIDS crisis. The second part of the book is an autobiography constructed from Selby's own journals.This book gives a unique inside look into the character and personality of one of San Francisco's most colorful figures

Scholarworks.wm.edu : Unsung Heroes, Lesbian Activists in the AIDS Epidemic in North Carolina and California, 1981-1989 <- Master of Arts Thesis Paper on the Crisis, 2005, by Maggie Shackelford, 2011.

Torch.ox.ac.uk : Fire Eating Lesbians & AIDs Activism in 1990s San Francisco

And, finally, in acknowledgment to the incredible devotion, dedication, and compassion of the Lesbian community; which also includes Bi Women, and Women Loving Women of all descriptions; we also include this link, to the history of the order of the letters in LGBT, WHY that order matters, and why we honor the Lesbian community for their support during the Crisis.

DAP Health: History Hides in the Initials we use

Thank you all for your continued time and attention to this month's focus. Please, peruse these carefully, and join in conversation together.
Please also remember, to be kind to one another. This month, and every month.


Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

Week Three: The Backlash to the Crisis, and The Jacket

The AIDS crisis began before the time it was officially identified in 1981, during President Regan's first year in office. Despite public outcry, despite protests, "die-ins," and a slow-moving under-swell of support from similarly marginalized communities, the general public did not want to acknowledge the growing crisis that was turning into a rampant pandemic amongst the LGBTQ+ community. Reagan himself did not publicly acknowledge the pandemic until September of 1985. By the end of 1985, 12,529 Americans had died. Despite this, it was not until May 31st, 1987, that the President gave his first major address on AIDS. Far, FAR after the disease had been identified and named in medical journals. Far after many of our LGBTQ+ siblings had perished, or had their lives irrevocably changed by the deaths of loved ones.

Few outside of the LGBTQ+ community wanted to study the disease. Less wished to have anything to do with the afflicted; and far more than could find hospital rooms and willing nurses died alone; their bodies abandoned by families who did not want to acknowledge their sexuality, their disease, or their untimely demise. Those who were recovered by relatives were often stripped of their history; leather gear, romantic ephemera, and sexual paraphernalia simply discarded or burned before members of their community or chosen family could retrieve it. (What we do have that is publicly available can be seen at the Leather Archive; among others; which frequently require that you to be over the age of 18 to create an account due to US law. For this reason, though the LA and other archives are mentioned, they will not be linked directly.)

In the midst of this horror and loss, in 1988, at a protest at the FDA, a young man named David Wojnarowicz showed up wearing a now iconic and well-known hand-painted jacket. This incredible piece of art I will let speak for itself.


To learn more about David Wojnarowicz, the Jacket, and his background, please feel free to read the following articles:

The Guardian (2016) | David Wojnarowicz: Still Fighting Prejudice

The Guardian (2018) | Remembering the work of a trailblazing artist

Broadcast (2020) | The Jacket

Alexr al'Petros

The Bridge
Jun 1, 2021
  1. He - Him
Thanks for this history and the web links. Looking forward to discussing this on Saturday, 17 June at 3pm EST. Join us; we are even starting early so our Euro members can participate! Here's the link.

Supporting Pride: A Celebration and Discussion

Arella Mathara

Aes Sedai
Head of the Brown Ajah
Social Media Manager
Aug 23, 2019
  1. She - Her

Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

Ilissa al'Nari

Scribe of the Glitterati
Aes Sedai
Dec 15, 2004
  1. She - Her
Thank you for these posts, @Ananke!

Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

Week Three: The Aids Quilt

For Week Three, we are going to allow the links to speak for themselves. We hope that you will approach these with compassion, and a desire to understand the number of people lost... and those they left behind. Today, the AIDS Quilt is comprised of almost 50,000 panels dedicated to 110,000 individuals, weighs about 54 Tons, and is on constant digital display at the link below. Each panel of the AIDS Quilt is 3 ft b 6ft, the approximate size of an average grave. This is intentional, to connect the concepts of AIDS as a disease and the death that too-frequently follows, more closely. The physical Quilt is still maintained and displayed by The NAMES Project Foundation alongside of its digital counterpart which we have linked below.

The AIDS Quilt is one of the most humanizing and vivid pieces of our history that we have left, and we present it to you in the same spirit:

We are here. We have loved. We have lost. We carry on fighting for those who come after.
May the fallen rest in peace, and may their memories be a blessing.

AidsMemorial.org : History of the Aids Quilt

An Interactive version of the AIDs Quilt

Ananke Ruadh

Formerly known as Ananke Zaresh
Dec 16, 2021
  1. They - Them

As we wrap up this year's History of Pride, we would like to remind you that there is new Legislation crossing desks every day, and that the decisions being made affect everyone. The rights of the LGBTQ+ community are being threatened, and it will spill over into the rest of the world in ways you might not expect. Transphobic people in bathrooms will not care how you identify, if you are not performing your gender to their requirements, and you may still be thrown out for "being trans." You may lose access to post-menopausal care or hormonal intervention of they are banned for all adults across the states. Your child with precocious puberty may lose access to their hormone blockers. Your right to the alteration of your body in accordance with your view of yourself may also come under attack.

It is never just us.

We are simply one of many canaries in a coal mine, singing loudly for our lives and the lives of those around us.

Remember, the first Pride was a RIOT! We owe what rights we still have to those present, and to those who continue to fight the battles that face us, every day.

Stand up for your LGBTQ+ siblings, get down in the trenches with us and get your hands dirty. If you have ever said you are on our side, back that up with action. Know your representatives, your senators, your congressmen. Vote down the ballot, every election, for so much of our daily lives are driven by who has power in your local government as well. Governors, judges, your local chief of police. Do you know who they protect? Do you know who they are willing to go to bat for...? If you don't, it's time you did.

It is time, in the words of Stormé DeLarverie, to DO SOMETHING.

Happy Pride.

Alexr al'Petros

The Bridge
Jun 1, 2021
  1. He - Him
Thanks for a wonderful lesson, history, and reminder of the importance of Pride. This celebration and fight must continue for all 12 months.