Which book Ajah do you think you belong to?

Which book Ajah would you belong to?

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Ylva Teswin

I'm not sure wich Ajah I would choose, but it would definitely be either Yellow or Gray. :)

Kira Lisande

I've been told that I am a Green because I'm firery, a Grey because I like to negotiate people's fights, and a Yellow because I like to help people.

I've been told I'm NOT a Green because I'm not firery enough, that I'm not a Grey because that would mean knowing every law of every land (my own admission), and I'm not a Yellow because problems of the mind aren't the kind of problems they're talking about.

But I am not logical (White)
I do not follow causes (Blue)
I like men (Red)
And I'm not detail-oriented enough (Brown)

so I dunno


I voted Brown, but it was really a toss up between brown and white.

Brown because I'm a grad student, most of my day is spent reading and doing research. I think a lot of my characteristics match a Brown.

On the other hand, I've been told, and I notice myself that I've rigidly logical at times, and can appear somewhat unemotional and distant.

Jun 27, 2010
Kerry, Ireland
At irs i thought i would have been a defenite Blue, but now i'm not so sure. I'm stuck between blue, green and white.
I'm very logical and calm but i can get quiet heated about things i care about :halo :halo

Rami al'Quat

If I was a female I would definitely choose green. The battle Ajah for sure. Blue's a close second, the others don't seem like they're useful in a time of war. No offense.


totally green. always fighting, trying to get out there and make the world a better place, standing up for themselves. the battle ajah, through and through :D

Kayla Tari

I would be Blue, it's what I'm good at, following causes, of course they have to be my own but when I choose them nothing can stop me :D
I would like to be more Yellow in rl and I'm working on that.
I like reading but I guess not nearly enough for a Brown :P not Red, not Green mostly cause of the battling part, too illogical for White and although I'd prefer negotiations instead of battle I don't think I'm qualified enough for a Grey :P

bar nabi

boys can play? i actually think i am one of the main women in the books (that is, RJ wrote the women as masculine and mostly secure and the men as feminine and ambivalent) so I always thought of myself as Egwene. i guess that makes me green
:scratch :nono :laugh:
Mar 30, 2010
Ottawa, Canada
I'm pretty sure I would be a Gray because I'm all about the no-drama and mediating the drama of others so life can just go back to being peaceful and enjoyable. I'm also pretty good at bargaining and making persuasive arguments so the deal leans the way I want it to go. Most of all though, I study politics and political science and I find diplomacy utterly fascinating.

Blue would be a very close second though. I get very social-justice-y rather often and like to campaign about things I care about.

Lono Fird

Definitely White. I love their 'logic will triumph' approach to everything.

Brown is pretty awesome too for the way they seem so detached from the real world, but they're actually paying close attention to everything that's going on. But White is definitely my favourite.

Elynn Wega

If there were a creative/artistic Ajah, I'd be in it.

In lack there-of... I'd probably be in Brown. I like to read, I value knowledge, I love showing off when I know something, I'm a teacher and I can come across as absent-minded. I also ramble a lot. Yeah, I've given this some thought lately and I believe Brown suits me pretty good!

However, Blue was always my favourite Ajah in the books and, to me, the Blues are all about independence, doing your own thing and not fitting in with the rest of the group. I can relate to that too, as I can be a bit anti-social (even though I love to talk) :laugh: Also, Blues are more about politics and wordly matters than Browns and I do care about those things as well. Sometimes. When I can be bothered :look:

Tallan Daar

Aes Sedai
Tower Gatekeeper
May 12, 2010
  1. They - Them
  2. She - Her
Honestly, I have no idea anymore. I wouldn't be Yellow, because I'm not the healer type, and I wouldn't be White, because I'm incapable of not caring about what goes on in the world. I probably wouldn't be Gray either, because I'm not very good at diplomacy. But as for the rest? Beats me. :cheeseeni:

Samarasin Tavaral

Aes Sedai
Aug 6, 2010
I think that I would be a Brown. I love to read and study, and can get lost in a bookstore for hours. There's always something new to learn. Although...I do have a degree in Counseling and I like helping others...So maybe I could have been a Yellow, too?
Aug 3, 2010
Porto Alegre, Brasil
I'd like to be a Red (these girls have a distastefull and dangerous job, but also a rather necessary one, and they are greatly misunderstood), but do give the benefit of the doubt to the Blue and Brown Ajahs.

Emory Sheldon

Aes Sedai
Jul 9, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
For me, I thought I was a green at first, and then I figured I was a bit of white but more of a Gray. I think the white in me really are the skills of a Gray, but I don’t like people trying to push me around and I get frustrated easily when I feel the other person isn’t even trying to see things from all sides. So as for the books, let’s just put me in the middle of the fighting with a couple of warders. Sounds like fun. :8)

Umair Sultan

Well, If I was female I would definitely be in Brown Ajah because i just love books. :)

Clymene Adhara

I think I'd be a tie between Brown or Gray, I do love books and do tend to live in a world of my own so I think Brown would be the one for me!

Kaoira Vivern

I have known I would be brown ever since being introduced to them in the books. I like to read, study, and gain knowledge. People view me as being a daydreamer, and though they are correct, I also know what is going on all the time.

Ilverin Matriam

Aes Sedai
Director of Research and Records
Jul 28, 2006
  1. She - Her
I actually dont know which Ajah I belong to, because I have little from all of them. But maybe my main choices will be between Brown and Gray. Or just an Ajah that will let me go into the world and explore/do some important jobs :P When I started reading the books I thought I would be Brown or Green, but lately I found my Gray stripe and I love it :D And later I read about the book Grays who are also cool. I dont like Blue though...I have no idea why but I know I will not be Blue if it's gonna kill me :/ maybe not Red also, cause every Red we see is a bitch, but meh...Yellow is not my character, cause I am not so fascinated by healing. I would also think I would choose White, but some of the are too philosophical for me.

so yeah, maybe Gray all the way :cheeseeni: