Update on our 501(c)3 status.

May 12, 2010
Gather round, boys and girls, time to have a family meeting. Sit down with Uncle Riley. Eli, get off my lap. Thank you.

As many of you know we have been working for the past year or so to become designated as a 501(c)3 status with the United States IRS. What that means, pretty much, is that we wished to be recognized as a fully non-profit corporation. Our philosophy behind this was that we truly wish to be Servants of All, and have a focus on giving back to our community/communities, the world at large, etc. We wished to be not only a community of Wheel of Time fans, but to also be a service organization. Our current Feast of Lights drive, which is not only within TarValon.net but for the Wheel of Time community at large is an example. Last year we worked with and through Heifer International.

We finally got a response from the IRS a couple of weeks ago to our application. We were told that if any part of our organization had a purpose other than service or charitable purposes, we would not qualify for 501(c)3 designation.

As we all know, our most treasured aspect of our community is the whole "community" part. We were formed, and still exist (mostly) to be an elaborate fan club for the books that we all love so much. We, the Board of Directors, felt that if we were to change our community to fit more in line with what the IRS has in mind for that designation we would lose entirely too much of our identity. We wouldn't be us anymore.

So we went, "Well crap. Now what do we do?" We did some research, and found that as a community we would more likely fit in better as a 501(c)7, which is a Social Club. We figured, "Well, that is what we are."

So what's the upside to this? We don't get taxed by the IRS on our assets. Which makes me, as the CFO, happy. The sucky part? Contributions made to TarValon.net cannot be consiered tax deductible. Which makes me sad.

"So what does this mean? How does this affect us?" you ask? I'm glad you asked that, because.... Not a darn thing. It will not affect in any way how we operate, and furthermore it will not affect our vision of being a service oriented organization. Not one bit. All it really means is different paper work.

The only other real and tangible change will be that for the year 2010 we will be filing our tax return as the new designation, which means that contributions made to us in 2010 will not be tax deductible. Which also saddens me, because I know some of you were very generous and I really wish we could offer that to you. I suggest firebombing the IRS, 'cause it's all their fault. Not really. Well, maybe. No, better not, 'cause then we'd get in trouble, and prison is no fun.

Our efforts in the immediate future will be to re-apply for designation as a 501(c)7. We've been told that our fees we have paid so far (which are not inconsiderable) will be applied to that new application. Once we have secured that, we will be exploring different ways we can continue to further our philanthropic goals. We have a couple of options we're kicking around, and we'll let you know more when we find out more.

Now, I do know some of you may be wondering why, if we found out about this a few weeks ago, are we waiting until now to make any kind of announcement. It's simple. We wanted to be careful, deliberate, and consider our options, and discuss them at length. It would have been easy to go "THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! WHATTAWEDO? WHATTAWEDO?" We didn't want to do that.

So. Any questions?

Keisha al'Benn

Aes Sedai
Jan 2, 2006
Utah, USA
No questions and thanks for the update Riley! :hug

~kicks Eli off Riley's lap and takes his place~

Avery d'Itkarya

Aes Sedai
Mar 26, 2009
St. Louis, MO
I have a question... what would we do if the sky was falling? We have a Green warder umbrella... but I doubt the whole community would fit under it :cheeseeni:



Thanks for the update, Riley ;)

Samarasin Tavaral

Aes Sedai
Aug 6, 2010
Avery Sedai, I'm sure Keisha Sedai and her White Sisters could get us a bubble for that very purpose. ;)

*gets under Avery Sedai's umbrella just in case* :look:

And Riley Gaidin, thanks for the update. I know that I will continue to contribute when I can, even though it's not tax deductible.

Rinwyn Sihrera

Aes Sedai
Oct 24, 2006
Monterey CA
Thank you for the update!

*takes Riley's knee opposite of Keisha.*

Morwynna Raevyn

Aes Sedai
Jan 9, 2004
Manchester, UK
  1. She - Her
No questions and thanks for the update Riley :D

Comfy lap you have by the way Riley :P

Xylianna Paladina

Formerly Xylina Tyloredrid
Aes Sedai
Feb 5, 2009
  1. E / Ey - Em
Thanks for the update. :)

Keisha al'Benn

Aes Sedai
Jan 2, 2006
Utah, USA
I have been thinking about this and it doesn't seem right....I know big corporations make donations so they can have the tax deduction....perhaps if we had a 'separate but equal' aspect to our site then just that aspect could qualify for the proper status. Not sure how that would help us as individuals making donations to the site though....

Do we have any assets to be taxed on? I haven't heard that anyone has built that big Tower for us to all live in yet....

Just rambling here....don't really know much about taxation so if I am just blowing hot air I will shut up and move to the back. :p

Morrighan Daghdera

Company Commander of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Feb 17, 2010
  1. She - Her
Thank you for the update. I look forward to continuing philanthropic endeavors, like the FoL fundraiser for Susan G. Komen, to benefit those that do have the 501 3 c status & are tax deductible. I'll also continue to support TV.net with $, time, & effort even though those contributions only improve my karma & not tax liability. ;)

I'm excited to see the creative opportunities to give back to the communities in need, regardless of our status. :hug

Adra Ceana

Aes Sedai
Dec 19, 2005
St. George, Utah, USA
Thanks for the update. I thought if our donations went to "Doctor without Borders" or like donations, they would be tax deductible. Do I understand if it is under the tar valon umbrella such donations can not be deducted. It will make no difference to me as we do not count any donations as we file the short form,. I would donate to a good cause anyway,

Kariada Kunai

Aes Sedai
Mar 16, 2003
If you send money to TarValon.Net, even if we're going to turn around and give that money to a 501c3 (like Doctors Without Borders), then it is not tax deductible.

If you send money directly to a 501c3, then it is tax deductible. Even if it's for a drive that we're running. Example being the FoL drive we just completed. Which is how we prefer to run drives, honestly. We don't have to handle the money, and we don't get charged extra paypal fees (for first collecting money and then sending it out).

We're still working out where we're going from here, Keisha. But rest assured that this wasn't our only option....and although our final status will be different than what we originally imagined, it will end up suiting us just fine.

Ajailyn Morrivinna

Aes Sedai
Sep 17, 2007
Kariada incoming pm with idea to help folks in the future.

Viola Al'Shinnen

Aes Sedai
Sep 1, 2005
:cry That house all us mitten-folk were planning on buying solely for party purposes isn't going to be tax deductible????

Ah well.
Apr 11, 2006
Alabama, USA
Keisha al'Benn said:
I have been thinking about this and it doesn't seem right....I know big corporations make donations so they can have the tax deduction....perhaps if we had a 'separate but equal' aspect to our site then just that aspect could qualify for the proper status. Not sure how that would help us as individuals making donations to the site though....

Do we have any assets to be taxed on? I haven't heard that anyone has built that big Tower for us to all live in yet....

Just rambling here....don't really know much about taxation so if I am just blowing hot air I will shut up and move to the back. :p
It's because there are thousands of pages of IRS statutes and just as many forms.

Look back at the Heifer fund raiser: I gave enough for a cow I think. However, I gave it to Heifer in TarValon.net's group (name). I did get the deduction and TarValon did get the donation amount added to their total.. Some non-profits provide that option and other's don't. I can't say why. Let's choose the ones that do.

Just my 2 cents,

Gracienda Al'Vonde

"I suggest firebombing the IRS, 'cause it's all their fault. Not really. Well, maybe. No, better not, 'cause then we'd get in trouble, and prison is no fun."

I really really REALLY dont recommend this course of action... :nono :indifferent: