Sample Thread for Groups!

Erin al'Denael

Keeper of the Chronicles
Aes Sedai
Keeper of the Chronicles
Oct 1, 2002
  1. She - Her
Several groups have emailed me to share that they have selected a focus. Thank you, everyone! Hopefully thread's start appearing here soon. If you already have an idea in mind, post away. If you'd like a template to follow, feel free to copy/paste the following and add your information.

Thread Title:
Group Name - Focus and/or Charity (example, Black Ajah - Fluffy Kitten Support)

Thread Content:
  • Explanation of what your focus and/or charity entails.
  • Why do you want to support this?
  • What do you plan on doing, or do you want aid/assistance?

Why post here? It's important that we know and share in what we are doing, as a community, for people within and without our groups. It also opens up the opportunity for outside help for something you and your group are working on. I know if I see a group doing something I believe in, odds are I'll step up and help, too. By sharing, you will also give ideas to other groups as well. It's a win-win. :) So share!