I won gold? Didn't know I was racing.
I've been in email correspondence with merits@tarvalon.net back and forth since February. I had no reason to think that this was the wrong address for merits-related things. :/I checked, I didn't get a first email from you, or one this time, though the Awards Historian has forwarded me one sent to that address, so I can move forward with confirming and awarding that
Congrats all! :joy
Also is the merits email the one above? I sent an email to that one too and I'm not sure if I should be sending it somewhere else. Thanks in advance
Thanks manAlso copy archivist@tarvalon.net for all merits-related things.
I just checked, you weren't on the July list for staff gold, but I did check out your page, and you seem to be due the merit. I'll send off an email about this to get you added to the next batchCongrats everyone
BTW, did the July merits get added to the library? I could swear I should have a second Staff Gold by now and seem to recall reading it posted, but now that I think of it I also recall the July merits post got put up during Void Week so it may have got forgot about