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  1. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    I'm not. channeling near Shadar Logoth has bad consequences, so I'm sure the Mirrors of Mists were tied off. Also, even Aes Sedai might be hoodwinked by such a subtle and skillful player of the Game of Houses.
  2. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    That's a possibility I hadn't considered. I thought if he was wearing it, it would protect him. I assumed the chain was part of the medallion. Thanks Taika ^^
  3. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    Ok, one thing I noticed then. Mat's amulet didn't save him from being killed by Saidin during the battle with Rahvin. How, then, is it of any use in the battle against Demandred? I remember Demandred being surprised by its presence with Galad, so it must have stopped a flow. WTF??
  4. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    When Mat and Aviendha and Asmodean were killed by one of the Forsaken (I forget if it was Rahvin or Sammael), who was in turn balefired by Rand so strongly that their thread burned back past the point where he (Forsaken) killed them (Mat, Avi and Asmo), thus restoring them to life.
  5. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    Mat was never bound to the Horn. When he asked Hawkwing, hawkwing said he is NOT a hero of the Horn.
  6. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    I know some people were surprised at the lack of Forsaken at Shayol Ghul. When LTT tried to seal the Bore, the Foresaken were there. That's how they got sealed into the Bore with TDO. I don't imagine they would have been too keen to repeat the experience...
  7. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    Min's viewing for Siuan wasn't fulfilled? Which one?
  8. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things that surprised you

    Thom taking out Jeane Caide was pretty awesome :)