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  1. Silencia Roamadred

    Age of the Wolfbrothers

    Although the turning is circular, the Ages are clearly defined by the lace of the pattern, so talking about future and past, is consistent if you are talking about Ages within a current turning of the wheel but not about different turnings of the wheel. We know that time exists (because it is...
  2. Silencia Roamadred

    Age of the Wolfbrothers

    This is a good point - i'm pretty sure that the leading thinkers in the AoL were aware of the cyclical nature of the Wheel (at least their philosophy and prophecies say so). Lanfear also directly relates to Rand that the portal stones predate the AoL - which precludes a knowledge that there was...
  3. Silencia Roamadred

    Age of the Wolfbrothers

    Hello all, So I am really enjoying my first re-read of Wheel of Time. Almost close to finishing EotW. So we know that Wolfbrothers are not from the Age of Legends but are from before the Age of Legends, before the Power had ever been touched (assuming Elyas and others are reliable narrators)...