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  1. Laurien Achaur

    Laurien's Journey Through The Shadow Rising

    I've finally done it! I've made it through The Shadow Rising! Job changes, residence changes, and school certainly didn't help, but I finally reached the end and am eager to start The Fires of Heaven. TSR has definitely been my favorite so far. I love all the parts dealing with Rhuidean...
  2. Laurien Achaur

    Laurien's Journey Through The Shadow Rising

    I'm actually in the process of reading it again, this time out loud since doing so seems to help me retain more. I think that, overall, the thing that struck me most was realizing why the Tuatha'an do what they do. They kind of don't know what the hell they're doing at this point, but they're...
  3. Laurien Achaur

    Laurien's Journey Through The Shadow Rising

    So I've just gotten to Perrin returning to Emond's Field and finding out his entire family was killed by Trollocs. :cry2:Which means I've gotten through Mat and Rand going through Rhuidean. Some immediate thoughts: - I do not like Faile. She may love Perrin, but she's abusive (or at the very...
  4. Laurien Achaur

    Laurien's Journey Through The Shadow Rising

    Ugh. Y'all. Real life makes keeping up things like this dang near impossible sometimes. As much as I'd love to keep this thread going for TSR and future books, I've got to prioritize things like work and all the writing I need to do for class above this for the time being. I'm reading whenever I...
  5. Laurien Achaur

    Laurien's Journey Through The Shadow Rising

    A bit, I suppose. :lol In principle, I agree. However, the prophecies have been around for much longer than any of them, and the fact that Siuan and Moiraine believe that the only possible way Rand can fulfill those prophecies is with them steering him is what irks me. The prophecies will come...
  6. Laurien Achaur

    Laurien's Journey Through The Shadow Rising

    Chapter 1: Seeds of Shadow - No prologue this time. Interesting! - Siuan's admission that they're trying to steer Rand is infuriating, but it has me shaking my head. The Tower's hubris is going to come around to bite them in a big way pretty soon, I think. - Poor Min! Now she's going to have to...