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  1. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    It's quite possible! Hopefully we can realize it next time! :D
  2. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    Inda starts very slowly, and it definitely can be very confusing with all of the names and terms. If you can get past that, though, the series is incredible imo. There's so much depth to the world building and the characters, and I love how the relationships develop and play out over the course...
  3. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    I haven’t read A Posse of Princesses but you’re inspiring me to do so! I’m a huge fan of her Inda series (for all that it’s a little hard to get into initially) and also her pandemic project The Phoenix Feather is just delightful. I’m so happy with how it ended, but also so sad it’s over T.T...
  4. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    Yay for gardening! I never imagined that I'd become so enthusiastic about it, but now that I have my own yard I've become very invested :rofl I haven't read everything by Sherwood Smith either :) But Crown Duel and Court Duel were MY THING when I was a kid, and I've loved the books of hers that...
  5. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    You were brilliant! Everyone here is so lovely and welcoming! Terry Pratchett was such a brilliant author, wasn't he? Thank you, it is! I have two pugs, Snorri and Mr Squeak (who is a girl, despite the name!). The one in my avi is Mr Squeak :)
  6. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    Thank you my darling! I'm happy to be dragged into all things Wheel of Time by you <3
  7. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    Thank you! I commissioned it from a good friend of mine to use as my twitter avi and it makes me happy :)
  8. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    Thank you! Oh gosh, too many authors to name! Two of my favorites are Terry Pratchett and Sherwood Smith, and I'm currently reading Saint Death's Daughter by CSE Cooney, which is wild and bonkers in all the best ways. I never thought I would enjoy gardening, but now I'm like "aw yeah, all I...
  9. Fenya al'Caem

    Nice to meet you all!

    Hi all! I'm Fenya (or Sara) and it is lovely to meet you all :) I'm fairly new to Wheel of Time--I read the series from 2020-2021 so that @JackieSedai had someone to talk about the show with. (I'm choosing to ignore the time ten years ago where I started reading the series and gave up around...