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  1. Ephrem Elpidius

    May - Fibromyalgia Awareness Month

    thank you for educating me on this matter, I honestly had no idea and just assumed it was a female only issue based on a quick reading of the definition. I have never actually looked into it, my friend has the same complaints that you do regarding being able to get the proper help for it, etc...
  2. Ephrem Elpidius

    May - Fibromyalgia Awareness Month

    I was about to type I wish I could hug all of you that have this, but then I realized that might cause you pain... sigh... truly sorry you suffer though, I can't imagine. one of my irl friends has that female only disease called endometriosis... and it hurts her in ways I can't even comprehend...
  3. Ephrem Elpidius

    May - Fibromyalgia Awareness Month

    It truly amazes me with all the advances of science, technology, mapping the entire human genome, mRNA, and the list goes on and on... that we as a species still haven't figured out how to cure people of stuff like this, or thyroid disorders, etc. Maybe as CRISPR genetic editing gets better and...