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  1. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Least favorite character?

    Spell check changed it for me!
  2. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Least favorite character?

    I've re-read Wheel of Time a couple of times and Egwene is still my least favorite character. I got my dad to read the series and I'm shocked that Egwene is his favorite character. He has only read 6 books...
  3. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Least favorite character?

    I thought I would have a new character to hate after re-sending WoT but I don't. I still get annoyed by Greene. She was such a strong character in the beginning that her snobby change bothered me twice as much!
  4. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Least favorite character?

    My grandma would say that Berelain is trouble with a capital T!
  5. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Least favorite character?

    Both Gawyn and Elayne appear snooty!
  6. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Least favorite character?

    I have always thought that Lan and Nyneave's love story was over-rated. There are other love stories that I like more. I like how Mat treats courting Tuon like a game of stones. He brings Solucia presents after Tuon gives his necklace away. In the end Tuon has to respect Mat if not be madly in love.