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  1. Aduiavas Ida

    First Time Reading Stormlight Archive

    I think that is a very normal reaction Veriendha ;) And the very reaction Brandon Sanderson wants us to feel. But yes, though I am not a huge Kaladin fan, I wish bad things to happen to both Roshone and Amaram :look All I can say is RAFO ;)
  2. Aduiavas Ida

    First Time Reading Stormlight Archive

    Yeah, I read it as JAH-snah... Hard J.
  3. Aduiavas Ida

    First Time Reading Stormlight Archive

    Well, the audio books have this weird way of pronouncing Siuan... A mix of SWAN, and SWAIN... I am not good at writing in phonetics :look It is another thing Norwegian language don't have...
  4. Aduiavas Ida

    First Time Reading Stormlight Archive

    I always pronounce Sadeas as Sa-DA-E-as, but that is because I read names in Norwegian-English :look Same reason it is SIU-AN for me, not SWAN :look
  5. Aduiavas Ida

    First Time Reading Stormlight Archive

    You know that that is a normal literary approach right? It is meant to make you keep reading ;)