Search results

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    Congratulations Tai' Sedai!

    Congrats Tai' Sedai! :hug
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    Congratulations Isarma Maracanda - White Head of Ajah!

    Congratulations Isarma Sedai! :D
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    The Feast of Lights Faire Grounds...

    Why can't I see the Faire Grounds? And when I clicked a link that is supposed to lead to Faire Grounds, it says I'm not authorized to see it?
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    Congratulations to our new MoR - Euro!

    Congrats Naeris Gaidin! :beer
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    Congratulations Nyavene Sedai!

    Congrats Nyavene Sedai! :D
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    Congratulations Nymeria Sedai and Shariyan Sedai!

    Congrats to both of you! :D
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    Which book Ajah do you think you belong to?

    I voted for Red, but I'm also very greenish and maybe a bit white. I'd never be gray, nor brown. I like adventures too much to stay in a library and negotiating with others :| is it something edible?
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    Thank you everyone. :hug