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  1. Lythe al'Dovin

    Travel Threads?

    I was browsing the discussions halls and I was wondering if there are any threads about travelling, and/or if someone is interested in discussing about travels and trips. Maybe I've just missed them, but I think that it could be a good topic to talk about, no? ^^
  2. Lythe al'Dovin

    Greatings, it's been a while...

    Greating everyone, I've been away for a bit of time, and really miss all of this... It was not a good period for me, but fortunately lately all is seem to get better. And now I'm back and I intend to interact with everyone that is willing to know me :p So, how is everyone doing?
  3. Lythe al'Dovin

    Hello! I'm new!!

    Hello to everyone! :) I'm Lythe and I'm new here as in the title ;) I start reading The Wheel of Time series a few months ago, by now i reached the 5° volume (that i plan to end soon). I fell in love withe the series from the beginning and now I'm reading the volumes one after another. I don't...